Finance Is Ruining America

Discussion in 'Economics' started by Banjo, Sep 28, 2016.

  1. Banjo


  2. Humpy


    The only thing capitalism cares about is more and more money regardless of who suffers. The Trumps and Clintons get rich and hog it to themselves, the poor get lies, broken promises and abuse.
    The trillion dollar health industry is a prime example. The pharmaceutical firms don't want to completely cure people because that means they would sell less pills and potions. With financial incentives they corrupt the medical profession to sell the drugs that give them the biggest hand-outs. Judas would be proud of them.
    931 and KDASFTG like this.
  3. qxr1011


    bullmarket79, ajcrshr and kmiklas like this.
  4. d08


    Quite amazing how in America, beautiful sturdy buildings are laying around abandoned. Why not convert them to living spaces like is often done in Europe?
    931 and Xela like this.
  5. qxr1011


    who is going to do that?

    if somebody thinks it will be profitable , he will convert, if not - not
    kmiklas likes this.
  6. Banjo


    Great video. I'm firmly on his page.
  7. Xela


    I hear you, and ask myself the same question over here (because that happens quite a bit in Europe, too) ... the answer generally offered (e.g. by property developers, civil servants and relevant quasi-autonomous non-governmental organisations) is that because of their antiquated structures etc., the refurbishment costs for such buildings to be brought into habitable condition do actually often far outweigh the equivalent accommodation newbuild costs. I'm "just saying" ...
  8. birzos


    Because 'doing the right thing' can be profitable but being profitable is not 'doing the right thing'!
  9. Finance, or the markets, is not a pretty game -- there'll always be casualties. You have winners and losers...but way too many losers.
    As can every boom and bust cycle can attest to.

    It's trench warfare out there, pal -- to quote Gordon Gekko.
    This is not an idealistic society, but a realistic society :confused:o_O
  10. qxr1011


    here is another one for you

    #10     Sep 28, 2016