FINALLY-Ultimatum to Muslims

Discussion in 'Politics' started by sputdr, Feb 23, 2006.

  1. For those who don't know what a segregated south was like, go and live in Australia. For those who haven't been to Australia, stop complaining about the US. Thanks to the Civil Rights Movement, the US is a thousand times better place.
    #32     Feb 26, 2006

  2. Give me a break, dude. I spent six months in Sydney and six years in Atlanta. Guess which one was far more racially divided.
    #33     Feb 26, 2006
  3. #34     Feb 26, 2006
  4. I wouldn't agree with that. Multiculturalism has been moderately successful in Australia. There are large communities that retain some of their orginal heritage and culture without any problem at all. There are those who would like to roll this back to the bad old days of White Australia, and there are those like Costello who just want some cheap political milage.

    To suggest that Australia is overwhelmingly Anglo Saxon is just plain untrue. For example, it is said that there are more Greeks in Melbourne than any other city in the world except Athens.

    Costello was banging on about Anglo Saxon tradition and 'Australian Values'. Who the hell is Costello to dictate what are and what are not 'Australian Values'. I repeat what I said. It was xenophobic populism which has a long and inglorius history in Australian politics. I called it 'inflamatory' not only because it might stir up some Islamists but also because it might encourage the kind of idiots involved in the Cronolla riots where there seems little doubt that but for the intervention of the police, some people would have been beaten to death merely because they were of 'Middle Eastern appearance'.

    Of course the big loosers out of multicultualism in Australia remain the Aboriginees. The plight of many remains a national disgrace. Recently an inquiry into petrol sniffing by young Aboriginees was told that many do it to suppress hunger. There is something wrong with anybody that does not find this shocking.
    #35     Feb 26, 2006
  5. dcraig, "moderately successful "is part of the reason threads like this exist.

    Im not about to dismiss archimedes here, (assuming he was suggesting atlanta has more racial problems than sydney, thats not a long shot, any examination of demographics would say so )
    Except for a couple of factors.

    The actual makeup of a population isnt that huge, in a country like australia-each major metropolitan centre is a melting pot, melbourne sydney , brisbane.
    In many suburbs, anywhere, you wont find a sign in english, what has occured isnt the "assimilation "practices of the white australia policy, whats ignored is that cant, and wont ever occur until 3rd, or 4th generation "culture"takes over.

    Its a long term thing, something that has been poorly factored into the white supremacist government of a country like australia, which has an economy how big, compared to california?
    Not huge, uranium excepted.

    Peter may well have been correct, in his supposed observation that the citizenship pledge seemed a mere rubber stamp in his eyes, meaning nothing, not that the smarmy traitor prat should have any right to comment about anything, ultimately.
    #36     Feb 27, 2006
  6. Lmao.

    Clearly - clearly - you have never lived in southern Sydney.

    Otherwise you'd know what the truly "truly ugly scenes" in Sydney are. Racist Lebs bashing, for the sport of it, white "aussies". Week in, week out. Trust me, these people were my best friends for years after high school.

    For all of Costello's tough talk, will he or his party dare to take the only measure that can possibly address the situation, which is restricting immigration from Muslim countries?
    #37     Feb 27, 2006