Discussion in 'Politics' started by total180, Mar 7, 2006.

  1. Great answers jz. Now do you have any that match the questions?

    1. why did condi warn willy brown not to fly on 911, prior to 911? how does this fit with her insistance on no foreknowledge?

    2. why was bush so adamant about not testifying to the commission?

    3. why did jeb ship several boxes of documents from the flight school out of the country?

    4. why were the insider puts traded from accounts at alex brown, chaired by a former dci?

    5. why aren't the pentagon videos released, and why arent the plane parts available for study? in a freaking museum for all to see even? why can't we study the black boxes?

    <b>6. why did so many at the pentagon smell cordite?</size></b>

    7. why are so many of the alleged hijackers still alive in their respective countries with no provable affiliation?

    8. why did it happen very early in the first term of a narrowly selected big oil presidency with a HAL vp, and now here we are in an endless war to secure oil with runaway contracts to HAL as a result of 911?

    9. why did bush have to come into this presidency so deep with the bin ladens and arabs in general

    10. why was his cousin running the security firm for both the trade center and united airlines?

    11. why did cheney, rumsfeld, jeb and wolfowitz have to pen a document prior to 911 basically saying we were strategically screwed in the absence of another pearl harbor (i forget the name of the doc)

    <b>Where is the wreckage of a commercial jet liner at the pentagon?</size></b>

    Why wasnt the grass scorched on the approach to the pentagon building?

    why wont the government release all the video tape from the numerous video cameras around the pentagon impact which would prove beyond a shadow of a doubt what really happened?

    <b>What are the parts of an engine found at the pentagon that are 100% not part of any boeing 757?</size></b>

    Why was there almost zero Flight 93 wreckage found if the airplane just crashed into the ground?

    One more: Why does the hole in the pentagon match a cruise missile and not a passenger airplane?
    #41     Mar 7, 2006
  2. Another question:

    Why would the terrorist preform a difficult if not impossible maneuver to fly a plane into the part of the Pentagon that was being renovated? Why wouldn't they fly it into the part which contains the senior level officials, not the construction works?
    #42     Mar 8, 2006

  3. Perhaps there "intelligence" wasnt so good, or their simulator training didnt make them THAT good a pilots.

    Wouldnt be so hard to beleive........after all, the administration has used the same excuses.
    Substitute "computer models of middle-eastern democracy" for "flight simulator", seems quite likely.

    "Disagree with me? Zipit...uh.uh....zipit"

    #43     Mar 8, 2006
  4. Moonbat speculation, paranoia, and a need to belong to a cause of some kind.

    Fair enough.

    In my gut, given the reams of empirical evidence, if someone believes W orchestrated 9/11 and OBL is a mere convenient pawn who has been smeared with accusations of being behind it, then....well, I've already stated my opinion.
    #44     Mar 8, 2006
  5. maybe i was unclear, i meant how do YOU rationalize the confluence of specific circumstances i listed... are you convinced just by the sheer volume of rebuttals in existence?

    can you present any portion of those reams to answer any of the questions i listed
    #45     Mar 8, 2006
  6. achilles28


    Don't forget. That molten steel in the basement was found months AFTER 9/11. Funny how that works, eh?

    Another glaring red flag.

    Ever check out the 'bombs in the buildings' vid complication featuring first responders, firemen and WTC workers claiming bombs were found and detonated in the towers BEFORE they fell?

    Interesting stuff.

    Also interesting - a few WTC maintenance workers checked a subbasement area housing a collection of those massive steel-reinforced structural columns after hearing a detonation below ground, after the planes had hit.

    Upon inspection, there was no trace of the reinforced columns. The housing area was, according to the workers, 'completely gone'.

    All they found where the room was supposed to be was that super fine dust particulate - characteristic of high explosives - hanging heavy in the air and coating everything in the room.
    #46     Mar 8, 2006
  7. What happened to the 128 Billion in Gold. That is what I want to know.

    On a lighter note. It looks like Tom DeLay won his primary. Like I mentioned earlier. Evil people elect Evil leaders.
    #47     Mar 8, 2006
  8. TGregg


    I've sent your points to the government. They know that you know.

    You better run now. Put down the keyboard and run for the hills, they're coming for you.
    #48     Mar 8, 2006
  9. achilles28


    Most of that 'debunking' article has already been debunked by the alternative media.

    That article consists largely of strawman, misrepresentations and in some cases, down right lies. See the NORAD generals downplaying of pre-911 military intercepts of errant aircraft. The PM piece claims only one - so we can safely sit back on our laurels and chalk the whole thing up to one colossal fuck up. When in reality the SAME Norad general had gone on record a year prior, in a major newspaper, stating the number of military intercepts of errant aircraft to be in around 60, or so.

    Don't forget, the chief editor of that debunking piece is cousins with Michael Chertoff - homeland security director.

    Gotta keep this stuff in the family.
    #49     Mar 8, 2006
  10. Hey, if believing W is behind all this makes your life exciting and helps you sleep, I wouldn't want to deprive you of that.

    Go forth into the wilderness and spread the word, my son....
    #50     Mar 8, 2006