Fighting Back Against Fake News

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Tom B, Dec 11, 2016.

  1. This sounds crazy, but I put nothing past Obama, the Clintons and the CIA. The media, and shockingly some republicans in congress, are pushing this for all it is worth. These coordinated media campaigns do not happen by accident.

    The war-monger lobby, ie pretty much the entire republican congress, the open border/amnesty crowd and the Clinton machine are all on the same page. They despise Trump and will do anything to get rid of him. If they can do it before the election, so much the better.

    We know the election was in fact rigged. Various reports are coming in about voting machines in Detroit, etc that recorded more votes than were cast. Guess who got them? Several million illegals voted as well. That is the real scandal, not the fact that the democrats dirty laundry saw the light of day.
    #71     Dec 13, 2016
    Optionpro007 likes this.
  2. You are clearly racist to me. You enjoy spreading fear. Change your screen name from Zzzz1 to Kkkk1. You are one of the most hated trolls on this website.

    You are not even American, have the guts to tell us which land you hail from so we can judge you like you judge us. You are a coward paid by Soros. The only shred of truth about you is your screen name "Zzzz1". You really do put people to sleep with your predictable propaganda.

    You are the most unoriginal, uninspired, racist trolls ever to have an account on Elite Trader. Not a single person on this website likes you, even Ricter and Futurescurrents think you are a joke because you are racist.

    I doubt your own mother even likes you Zzzz1! Now go get your shine box asshole!!!
    #72     Dec 13, 2016
    vanzandt likes this.
  3. [​IMG]
    #73     Dec 13, 2016
  4. vanzandt


    Comey heads the FBI... not the CIA dipshit.
    #74     Dec 14, 2016
  5. Zzzz1


    you seem to eat anything Trump is feeding you, huh? Even ignoring the advice of your top secret agency, security agency, IT security professionals, and even your own party's republican senate representatives. I mean, if Trump tells you that all public land should be used tomorrow for oil drilling and fracking then you also buy that? And that is not considered stupid?

    #75     Dec 14, 2016
    Ricter likes this.
  6. Zzzz1


    Where did I ever spread fear? Can you think for one moment logically? Someone who does not bite and appear aggressive does not have to fear for his life. Or do you see jihadists invading and attacking Japan and Japanese? Any recent terror attacks on Tokyo by anyone non-Japanese? I mean EVER? Anyone bombing Swiss chocolate factories or alpine farms? I don't think so. When you roam around the world and look to misappropriate oil wherever you can then you should not be surprised about retaliation. When you support Israel at any cost, no matter whether Israel acted within the legal framework or not then you should not be surprised to make the rest of the Middle East to your enemy. I do not condone violence or counter measures on the other side but I simply state the fact that when you abuse and extort others then you should not be surprised that you are not the most liked person on the planet. Maybe you wanna think about that for a moment.

    P.S. And obviously I must have hit the nail on its head else you would not be so outraged. Get that alcohol out of your system and read again, you will notice that posting under influence does affect your judgement skills.

    #76     Dec 14, 2016
  7. I just had someone send me a message telling me .Xela and Zzzz1 are the same person.

    You didn't hit the "nail on the head" jackass. You are a coward who is afraid to tell us what country you are from.

    Let's see if Zzzz1 can answer a simple question, a question that was dodged last time. Can you answer this without giving us 3 paragraphs of useless non sequiturs? We all know that you sniffed paint in your younger years but that is no excuse.

    Without going off track here is a really simple question:
    Zzzz1, what country are you from?
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2016
    #77     Dec 14, 2016
    Tom B likes this.
  8. And not for the first time.
    #78     Dec 14, 2016
  9. Really? Good find, comrade. Here, get familiar with some of the authors:

    Russian propaganda: when you absolutely need the facts.

    Oh, and Really? The Fruit Loops of a healthy information diet.
    #79     Dec 14, 2016
    Zzzz1 and Ricter like this.
  10. Zzzz1


    Let me answer you straightforwardly: this is none of your stinking business. When you walk around sharing with the world what have you then that's your choice. When someone comments on the bla that came out of your mouth then that does not obligate anyone to return the favor. Let some of your friends who seem to have tons of free time on their hands answer this question of yours,some of your brethren seem to be specialized to dig into all sorts of shit. And no, you are wrong once again, I only maintain one single identity on any given website.

    #80     Dec 14, 2016