Few, If Any, Presidents Have Come to Office W/Obama's Knowledge of the SCOTUS

Discussion in 'Politics' started by ByLoSellHi, May 3, 2009.

  1. This article is the opening salvo of what no doubt will be more open cheerleading from the media over Obama's selection. Apparently, the instructions from the White House have been to claim that Obama is middle of the road and will pick a pragmatic moderate, not a leftwinger. Of course, the people mentioned as likely nominees are all from the far left.

    This is the same tactic that was successfully utilized when Clinton nominated one liberal, Steve Bryer, and one leftwing radical, Ruth Bader Ginsberg. A slew of articles sprang up overnight in the mianstream media calling them both respected moderates, when it was totally untrue. Breyer was somewhat respected but clearly very liberal. Ginsberg was from the wacko far left. Republicans were too intimidated to mount any real opposition to either choice and many in fact voted to confirm them. In contrast, when Bush nominated two conservative yet respected mainstream jurists, they were opposed on party line votes by democrats.

    I believe it is highly likely the nominee will be Duval Patrick. Obama is smart enough to know that he cannot predict the future, and he should seize the chance while he has it to put a marginally qualified minority and one of his early supporters on the Court.
    #11     May 3, 2009
  2. Mav88


    what the hell is stromfront? Got to keep playing the race card. When are you numbskulls going to figure out that some of us don't give a damn about his race, it is his politics.

    It's quite common in here, whenever there is an attack on Hussein without any mention at all of race, the obama defenders make a racial comment. It's as if they can't muster any sort of real argument.

    Those impressed by this man's intellect are themselves deficient.
    #12     May 3, 2009
  3. Yes, he knows a lot about the Supreme Court. Those years of community organizing have taught him well.
    #13     May 3, 2009
  4. You sound like that filthy criminal, Rudy Guliani.

    Wah Wah Wah.

    #14     May 3, 2009
  5. Just another bullshit fluff piece about Obama. Clinton taught law at Georgetown and was the friggin' Attorney General of Arkansas. I realize it takes a historian to reach all the way back eight years to find a President who was a more experienced legal professional than the One....
    #15     May 3, 2009
  6. aegis


    World domination is a slow process. Implementing a world government overnight would be be a bit too Orwellian. Commoners would never support it and would likely revolt. What we're witnessing is less like "1984" and much more like "Brave New World"- domination through consent rather than conquest.

    Conquest clearly doesn't work. The powers that be have studied history and the results have been poor. Hitler's plan didn't work, nor did Napoleon's plan work.

    Read David Rockefeller's senior thesis on the topic of Fabian Socialism. It was written in 1936, and gives a better of idea of what we're in for.
    #16     May 3, 2009
  7. Actually the infrastructure and technology to properly track peoples movements was not really in place yet. We are now moving into the realm where highly advanced technology, mixed with the TRILLIONS they aquired, have put globalist wealth entites into the drivers seat. Also, the US citizenry is fortunately STILL VERY WELL ARMED.......so watch for a massive increase in very directed gun legislation or a false flag event to pull off a significant "gun grab". Once this specific activity starts all bets are off.....ENGAME ops will then be in full effect.
    #17     May 4, 2009
  8. You're positive Clinton taught law at Georgetown and not the University of Arkansas, right?
    #18     May 4, 2009