Feeling the market - important or not ?

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by Mystery, Mar 22, 2009.

  1. Jack's Zombie Army speaks (aka "Night of the Living Hershey")...

    Jack couldn't get a 5 cent return even with an empty soda bottle at a recycling center



    #31     Mar 23, 2009
  2. There is nothing better and more satisfying than a thread dedicated entirely to the textual bombing of Jack Hershey.

    We need one of these at least once a week just for entertainment.
    #32     Mar 23, 2009
  3. jem


    you think I was supporting Jack Hershey with my little passage.

    try reading it again.
    #33     Mar 23, 2009
  4. Poor old Jack..

    failed trader

    failed insurance agent

    Lost 24% in a trading contest in 2002

    wears a ponytail at 80 years of age.. fail :p
    #34     Mar 24, 2009
  5. Redneck


    If I need to explain it - then it wouldn’t make sense to you anyway

    So feel free to place me on ignore - PLEASE - Then I won't bother you any longer

    #35     Mar 24, 2009
  6. Jack has a method of stock trading that I believe shows quite good results at times, but as Spider noted it has times when it's not in sync with the market. Overall I believe it's a winner but I am not familiar with it so that's a third hand opinion.

    His stock method is not his ES traded SCT method that I challenge Jack to demonstrate by trading against me, but Jack seems to elect to talk the talk rather than walk the walk.

    Feelings are probably the biggest surprise attack that new traders suffer from and many experienced traders also suffer such attacks every now and again when the market does something they didn't expect.

    Pro traders learn to eliminate feelings with good technique and discipline so when that is mastered, does a different feeling then replace emotion... a feeling of knowing what the market is going to do?

    I guess some would describe that as a feeling but for most it's knowing intellectually what is about to occur because your technique keeps you ahead of the market.

    Personally I feel nothing but my belief is that Jack would fall apart under the emotional pressure of a live trading contest. In that sense I am convinced from how Jack writes that he feels the market in a negative way and attempts to correct it at a safe distance by writing fictional trading narratives, but it's impossible to convert negative emotions to positive feelings in that way.

    I am not going to labor my challenge to Jack because I know he can't trade live and won't trade against me. He likes to play the part of being superior to all traders and say I have elected not to participate with the market, but hot air hides and one of us two is hiding and shaking from the challenge where feelings stalk like a predatory lion.

    When you know the technique to kill that lion and make consistent profits, feelings are not important.
    #36     Mar 28, 2009