Feeling like you never fit in ...

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by NY_HOOD, Mar 23, 2018.

  1. NY_HOOD


    how many of you sometimes feel like you never fit in? I feel like that many times and it used to really bother me. As i grew older i realized i wasnt around the right People. Sounds logical enough but it took me years to realize this. I still get that way every once in a while though.
    I also had a chip on my shoulder as a kid, especially high school and early 20’s because of it.
  2. Being a stranger in a strange land happens, sometime a bit of both environment and nature.

    I remember by year three in London at 34 thinking.. why is it I don't know really anyone to just call on a Sunday? (except for a few bootie calls I'd met in clubs). Then I moved to the countryside and click, I was an integrated member of society.

    Maybe if you are in NY you need somewhere else?
  3. Baron

    Baron ET Founder

    I feel like that every day of my life. It's so frustrating. But then I think, would I really be happy if I looked around and everybody was kinda like me? Probably not, and that's what keeps my head screwed on straight.
  4. No one fits in. :sneaky:, :banghead:
    Everywhere you go...people are in their own, little virtual worlds.

    Anywhere you go today...it's crowded or slightly crowded, but still somewhat lonely at the same time.
  5. jnbadger


    Interesting. I've always felt extremely isolated in big cities. I lived in Los Angeles for a year, and I felt claustrophobic, and I thought it was very strange that I felt that way. But it's tough to feel like you're a part of a community when the community is so vast and so crowded. I love visiting Chicago, but I also love returning home to rural Wisconsin.
    Slartibartfast likes this.
  6. Banjo


    Fitting in is a derivative of peer pressure, existing within the bounds of the invisible cocoon of consensual reality guided by unspoken hierarchy and behavioral expectations and adherence. Life according to other peoples values and perceptions. Life in a box. Outside the box of other peoples accepted limitations is where the vibrancy of the life available to us exist. Push yourself into risk, that's where life's power lies.
    Chuck Krug likes this.