Federal judge allows Obama eligibility case to go forward

Discussion in 'Politics' started by jficquette, Sep 10, 2009.

  1. M Jared

    M Jared

    LOL,Agreed Brother:D
    #21     Dec 12, 2009
  2. dsq


    Its amazing how many KKK and white militia members there are on ET....A magnet for racists and anti obama biggots.Truly shameful.A product of illiterate mothers,rubbing alcohol,trailer park and a date with a farm animal.Conservatives never seem to ba able to critique obama without injecting racist innuendo or comments.Its pathetic what a sad group of infantile retards they are.Hello glenn beck and the gop morons on et.
    #22     Dec 12, 2009
  3. Jerry030


    That's not unexpected. ET is in theory about trading yet a huge amount of the discussion has zilch to do with any serious aspect of that in terms of methodology, technology or theory.

    Successful traders usually have more interesting things to do with their time, since an abundance of money offer possibilities, than posting the same inane drivel day after day.

    However those who are over 30 and still living in their parent’s basement have all kinds of frustrations and failures to externalize and vent on someone. But it’s better they do that here harmlessly then go out in the real world and blow up a building or something like that.
    #23     Dec 12, 2009