federal gummint pays higher wages than private industry

Discussion in 'Economics' started by chewbacca, Apr 8, 2010.

  1. MKTrader


    In the old days, it wasn't quite as bad. Gov't workers (Federal, state or city/county) weren't paid that well but were compensated through relatively generous benefits and job security. It was a more fair trade-off between private sector (higher pay, especially the further you went up) or public.

    The unions have changed all that, and now people can even double or triple-dip ("retire" at 50, get on a local board or some unrelated gov't job and get paid again, etc.). It's crazy and can't continue forever.
    #11     Apr 8, 2010
  2. BSAM


    If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.....comrade!:p
    #12     Apr 8, 2010
  3. Just some interesting stats.

    19,437,000 or over 14% of our 137 Million tax payers work for the Government earning an average wage of $51407.

    In 2008 when unemployment was < 5%, 6,700,000 or over 2% of the adult population in the US were in Jail or on probation.

    Estimating 40 Million unemployed, 7 Million jailed or on probation and 23 Million on government payroll and in military service.

    This is over 50% of our tax payers... Leaving one hell of a load for the remaining tax payers to cover. Add in caring costs for our elders (Social Security and Medicare etc.)

    US GDP: 14.2 Trillion
    US Population: 304 Million
    US Tax Payers: 138 Million
    $100K GDP/Tax Payer

    Looks good eh?

    Government Employees Payroll Average
    ========== ======== ======== =======
    Federal 2,768,886 186 Billion $67052
    State 4,362,688 225 Billion $51507
    Local Gov 12,305496 589 Billion $47852
    Total 19,437,070 1 Trillion $51407

    14% of all tax payers work for your government.
    Avg Gov employee earns 50% of GDP / tax payer.

    Military Personnel Budget Average
    ========= ======== ========= ========
    Personnel 3315400 664 Billion $200277

    2.5% of all tax payers are in the military.
    2 x GDP/tax Payer is budgeted for each person

    16.5 % of all tax payers work directly for the government and are paid from taxes.

    Just to make the Government Payroll and provide for our military our government must collect $1000 per month in taxes from each and every tax payer. That's $12K in taxes out of the average $24K tax payer income.

    Income Tax is one visible component the other taxes are being collected through the plethora of transactional taxes.. Property, Sales, Vehicle, Payroll, gasoline, Tolls etc... And many other taxes are collected through baffling and ingenious mechanisms far beyond my feeble mental capabilities to comprehend.

    Don't let them fool you with smoke and mirrors. 50% of each tax payers' total wages is what our government requires to operate without deficit.
    #13     Apr 8, 2010
  4. I was watching Househunters International, couple was looking in the american VI for 850k house , second home. Husband was an IRS employee. Nice.
    #14     Apr 8, 2010
  5. If you're going to be working for someone, work for the gov't. If you're not going to work for the gov't, leave the US. With new taxes coming up, it'd be smart to leave. Just a personal opinion. I left 20 years ago and was planning to go back but with the current administration....there is no way. If you are going to leave, better leave soon before they make it harder to do so.
    #15     Apr 8, 2010
  6. If benevolent dictator for 2 years, I would implode all obligations to all union workers (retired or not) including pension/healthcare, tear up all agreements they made with their slaves (companies), etc.

    I would also implode all fed/state/local debt obligations, along with many other things.

    Hey, it works for people like Chavez and Marcos...
    #16     Apr 8, 2010
  7. this is atrocious, the entire economy belongs to the govt
    #17     Apr 8, 2010
  8. sumfuka


    No point fighting the trend, better get into the club while there is still space. Good Pay, Good Benefits, Good Job Security. What's there not to like. When the economy improves than jump ship again back into the private sector. If the private sector doesn't improve, we should probably have saved up enough money to leave this dead weight of a country.
    #18     Apr 8, 2010
  9. Bakinec


    Which govt jobs are available for a 20 year old day-trader with 30 college credits?
    #19     Apr 8, 2010
  10. 15rms


    This bothers me. The Federal Government has developed its own upper class. Built totally on the backs of the working Americans. They have more paid holidays, better benefits and much better retirement. While we working Joes are working nights and holidays they are home comfortable knowing in 20 years they can retire with half pay. They are not concerned about doing a good job or a good work ethic. Basically they are locked in no matter how bad they are. All supported by the civilian class of Americans. If we don’t put an end to this system of unequal rights it will surely destroy the American dream.
    #20     Apr 9, 2010