Fed raises interest rates and adds another hike to its 2017 forecast

Discussion in 'Economics' started by felixbocharov, Dec 14, 2016.

  1. At the same time, Trump is going to lower corporate tax so I am not sure about the effect of this actions on the economy.
  2. Personally. I See A Sell The News, Jan 20th, I Sure Hope So. This Machine has Ran Out Of Gas, I Only Have one Put Contract, Yesterday At The Highs, Keep Thinking It's Going To The Moon, So I Can Be All In Short This Pig.
  3. From the article: “I would say the labor market looks a lot like the way it did before the recession,” Yellen said.


    Say what?
  4. xandman


    She just said it has a long way to drop. :banghead:
  5. Did She? :D Well Tonight There Is No Alarms Going Off, Still Get To Short This Pig It Looks Like.
  6. statistically, all time highes tend to work against the bulls. Mr. T already told Mrs. Yellen "slow down woman, ain't you trying to wreck my economic agenda? :)
  7. Your Not Looking At An Inflatted Economy, Most Cant See The Farse.
    cdcaveman likes this.
  8. yes manipulated on the largest scale
  9. Jones75


    My tea leaves are saying…major trade wars are on the near horizon. Going to hide in hedged precious metals until a clearer pic reveals itself.
    #10     Dec 14, 2016
    cdcaveman likes this.