Fed Monetization....Printing Money To Buy Its Own Bonds....

Discussion in 'Economics' started by libertad, Aug 7, 2009.

  1. dtan1e


    wait, print more to buy up all the S&P 500 companies !!
  2. Absolutely correct!

    It's all a ruse.. to perhaps give rise to "plausible deniability" that we are not simply "printing money"....

    Fed buying treasuries and carrying them on its balance sheet? Who can't see through that?
  3. They did it with the DOW components. This recovery is pretty phony. The Fed and Treasury have simply jumped through flaming hoops to make the markets (treasuries, commercial paper, equities, mortgages) look functional. They knew that if they could give the impression of functionality and order, that it would instill confidence. They then followed it up with a television campaign to tell everyone that everything's fine. Ben on 60 Minutes and Barry on Leno, WTF?? Nevermind jobs or foreclosures...the S&P is up 50%!!
  4. Strictly speaking, the Fed is buying the US Treasury's debt, as the Fed doesn't issue its own.

    So what you're saying is that the Fed is not independent and is bowing to someone's political will?
  5. Hi, Sorry Scataphagos,

    What to you mean by "plausible deniability" and personally I can't see trought that... what do you think exactly ?
  6. I really don't care who is doing what. I just want to be able to make money off it.
  7. ...............................................................................

    Their point being that the cost of "doing nothing" would be much higher....

    Yeah ????

    Look at who has benefited....and look at who has lost....

    Deflation would have clearly defined the "true winners"....

    And now the Fed is doing nothing more than "protecting the losers"....at the expense of the "most intelligent"....

    The "most intelligent" should be looking for a "more level" playing field....as the rules were changed in the middle of the game....

    A three finger salute is warranted.....while the "unlevel playing field is exited"....
  8. .......................................................................................

    1000% correct....

    Fed is an official member of a Fascist setup....
  9. Such a simple concept, yet so few seem to be able to grasp it and entangle themselves in conspiracy theories :cool:
    #10     Aug 7, 2009