Fed Leaves Rates Unchanged, Signals Patience on Policy

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by ajacobson, Mar 20, 2019.

  1. ajacobson


    Happening now.
  2. Ho hum. Hasn't he said the same thing the last 10 times he's flapped his gums.

    Fed should be on cruise control until after the 2020 election*... Trumpy, pleased.

    *Unless the market has a couple of down days, that is... then a rate cut.
    vanzandt likes this.
  3. SunTrader


    While The Fed is whistling past the graveyard regarding inflation (core or otherwise) the Stump trade war is in the drivers seat, with no end of that road in sight. A quick look at any number of commodity indexes will show what this has caused.

    Trade and productivity down, tariffs and throughput prices up.

    While trade deficit continues growing LOL LOL.
  4. sle


    If you implying that commodity indices imply inflationary pressures, I beg to differ:
    GSCI Mar 2008: 8207
    GSCI Mar 2009: 3507
    GSCI Mar 2019: 2538
  5. SunTrader


    If you are implying that an index value from years ago compared to today's value has anything to do with the current trend i.e. not looooong term basis .... I beg to differ.
  6. sle


    What current trend? GSCI is down from Oct, down from the recent peak in 2014.

    Are we living in the same universe?
  7. SunTrader


    Guess not.

    Plain to see what it has done since the Dec 26th, '18 low.

    Lows and vice versa highs are where trend begins, right?

    Up 20% is fairly substantial in my book at least.
  8. sle


    Well, how much was it down from October?
  9. SunTrader


    Or how much higher than Jan '16 or lower than .... or ... or ... or

    Or we can just stick with what matters the most, the current trend. I will anyway. Have fun.
  10. JSOP


    Didn't even realize Fed announced rates today. No wonder the market has been so quiet lately.
    #10     Mar 20, 2019