fed chairman told bac that mer buy would boost stock

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by piggie2000, Oct 19, 2009.

  1. Lol and you thought the fed didn't care about stock prices. Corruption at the highest levels of gov't. This house of cards comes crashing down

    Bank of America Was Told U.S. Aid May Help Shares, E-Mail Shows
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    By David Mildenberg

    Oct. 19 (Bloomberg) -- Bank of America Corp. signed off on its government-assisted purchase of Merrill Lynch & Co. after U.S. regulators assured the deal should boost the shares, e- mails from two bank finance executives showed. Instead, the shares collapsed.

    “The chairman of the Federal Reserve indicated it would be structured in a manner such that BAC stock should go up when announced,” Chief Financial Officer Joe Price said in a Dec. 29 e-mail to top executives of the Charlotte, North Carolina-based bank, including Chief Executive Officer Kenneth D. Lewis
  2. Oct. 19 (Bloomberg) -- Bank of America Corp. signed off on its government-assisted purchase of Merrill Lynch & Co. after U.S. regulators assured the deal should boost the shares, e- mails from two bank finance executives showed. Instead, the shares collapsed.

    lmao, sounds like something Cramer would say.