FED and Inflation

Discussion in 'Economics' started by HeSaidSheSaid, May 18, 2013.

  1. Do you also think we are close to a threshold where inflation expectations could get out of control?
    #41     May 26, 2013
  2. I don't know if you know corn plays a major role in the US economy.
    Corn is everywhere. Everything is produced with corn or corn-based products. just when weather turns sour for a season.... then you'd see a lot of FED money chasing the shrinking resources. then inflation would jump to another plateau.

    it's still mystery to me for how the FED comes up with the inflation number at the whole sale level, and while the inflation at retail level is sky-rocketing. probably, somebody has been cooking the book.
    #42     May 26, 2013
  3. inflation = too many dollars chasing too few goods. i.e. the housing market yoy, average 10% increase in prices. doesn't matter if it is measured from the bottom of the market, plain and simple it is inflationary. i guess just because the feds are the feds everyone believes them that inflation is under control. all smoke and mirrors imo but i am just an average joe so what do i know.

    all i can say is this: i got back into a job i did 6 years ago making 10% more then i did then and guess what, it does not go as far as it did back then. feds are creating the largest asset bubble in history and scary thing is, they are becoming the largest holders of those assets. i ask myself the question when it pops, who will bail them out? bernanke will be in the history books that is for sure: the leader of the fed that rolled the dice and finally rolled 7.
    #43     May 26, 2013
  4. oh and when obamacare hits companies in 2014, another $285 / month out of my paycheck but that is not inflationary, water off a ducks back, lol.
    #44     May 26, 2013
  5. hey dumbass, what do you want the fed to do about it? Do you want them to raise rates because you are now paying more for your health care?
    #45     May 26, 2013
  6. Too many dollars, Too few goods, TOO QUICKLY! That's why they're concerned about deflation right now. The QUICKLY part is missing.


    3. Velocity of Circulation


    The quantity theory of money equation assumes that an increase in M causes an increase in P. However, this assumes that V is constant and Y is constant.
    V (velocity of circulation)

    However, in practices it is not as simple as this equation assumes. In practice there are variations in velocity of circulation e.t.c.
    #46     May 26, 2013
  7. oldtime, just my opinion. for starters they could start by scaling back bond purchases and let the market digest that. if people are truly afraid that lack of money printing will derail the market then we got bigger problems.
    #47     May 27, 2013
  8. and my point is dumbass, feds should not create another asset bubble but i think it is a bit late for that. what do you think the feds should be doing right now since you seem to be so sharp?
    #48     May 27, 2013
  9. they've already said they will start scaling back, and probably hold what they have to maturity

    my only bitch is with people who complain about "inflation" based on rain
    #49     May 27, 2013
  10. not necessarily "taper" is a word game thing, but they have said pretty plainly that its QE infinity until evans rule is met

    we are getting a true lesson in the power of MP at the ZLB in Japan, Romer (future chairwoman) is looking on this experiment with itnerest
    #50     May 27, 2013