FDR- America's Worst President

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Pabst, Feb 15, 2004.

  1. Pabst


    Why not dispute what you believe are inaccuracies? What you fail to understand is that there was a time when Americans were even more gullibly fooled by political leaders than present. Imagine your thoughts being shaped by a few radio stations, newsreels at the movies, and tyrannical newspaper publishers. Yes there was huge anti FDR dissent. The isolationist movement led by Charles Lindbergh and Joe Kennedy was notable. But to compare the 1940 media to today's global community is like comparing the Gospels to a video tape.
    #41     Feb 18, 2004
  2. Pabst


    Are you going to compare the internment of U.S. citizens of Japanese ancestry to the Patriot Act?! Or is Bush STACKING and EXPANDING the Supreme Court to ensure getting the decisions a he needs? Who are you, a fucking twelve year old?
    #42     Feb 18, 2004
  3. I can remember times like that. Between 1969 and 1973 comes to mind and again from 1980 to 1993 and 2001 to present.

    #43     Feb 18, 2004
  4. Pabst


    Oh so lets see. Nixon was elected because he was the media's darling? LMFAO! Besides I know after the puritanical honesty and goodness of LBJ, Nixon was quite the anti-Christ. From My Lai to detente' in twelve easy steps.

    You have often said that one should ask themselves how they would feel if it was a Demo making the same decisions as Bush. I'm introspective enough that I employ that criteria. I did not hate Bill Clinton's Presidential policies. History will rightfully be kind to the amoral Mr. Bill.

    All I ask of you, my deeply spiritual, intellectual friend, is that you analyze the tenure of FDR and tell me if you approve of the way he conducted his Presidency. I realize you are less troubled than I by the scope of his various socioeconomic policies. I'm cool with your fiscal liberalism. I know it's rooted in a legitimate caring for people rather than some pious, self serving, class warfare agenda. However were you disturbed by the apparent disregard for democratic, constitutional principles employed by the FDR administration?
    #44     Feb 18, 2004
  5. WOW, next time try and make an infammatory remark instead of something as benign as that comment.

    (BTW, I don't think Albania was part of the Soviet Bloc for long ...they aligned themselves with China if memory serves).


    #45     Feb 18, 2004
  6. Pabst


    Yes prior to this 01-04 period the last GOP majority in both houses was 1954. Remember, during the single term Gingrich GOP House majority (95-96) the Senate was controlled by the Democrats.
    #46     Feb 18, 2004
  7. Better take your nerve pill, Pabst. All that spittle is going to make your computer monitor unviewable.


    #47     Feb 18, 2004