Favorite stocks or etfs for a Bounce?

Discussion in 'Stocks' started by KCalhoun, May 15, 2022.

  1. KCalhoun


    I like ARKK DIS NFLX PYPL CGC MARA DKNG if market bounces next week.... got any favorites?
    murray t turtle likes this.
  2. Jzwu2017


    SVXY (opposite of UVXY). :p
    KCalhoun likes this.
  3. KCalhoun


    Yeah, I like SOXL too vs UVXY. TQQQ may be great too
    murray t turtle likes this.
  4. nitrene


    Best SOXL FNGU. TARK CLDL good but illiquid. There is a lot of overlap between FNGU & TARK (2X ARKK). TARK was up 24% on Friday.

    For stocks just buy the biggest dogs in the last few weeks like COIN HOOD bitcoin miners marijuana stocks etc.
    ET180 and KCalhoun like this.
  5. KCalhoun


    Good picks, agree.... impressed. Thx re TARK, never heard of it. Right re HOOD, maybe AMC, btc MARA RIOT COIN plus pot CGC ACB TLRY etc
  6. My favorite too!
  7. .

    Hey Ken,

    FWIW, I'm still trying to trade stocks that have formed dips in multi-month uptrends, though there sure aren't many of them these days. My favorites right now are EXC, WRB and AIZ. Feels like they're fighting strong headwinds though & it will be tough to keep trending upwards...

    AIZ stock chart on 5-15-22.PNG
    KCalhoun likes this.
  8. Wholly shiat at TARK! Dear sweet Jesus! So far as I can tell its only been in existence since like May 2. Since then, its high has been like 34.80 and its low like $14.77. That's well over 50% in like two weeks. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaooooooowwwwwww!!!!!
  9. zdreg


    You have a way with words.:cool:
  10. I only invest in sure thing stable stocks like WMT
    #10     May 17, 2022
    KGTrader4 likes this.