Favorite movie qoutes that apply to trading

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by indahook, Jun 23, 2003.

  1. FROM Days of Thunder:

    Dr. Claire Lewicki: Control is an illusion, you infantile egomaniac. Nobody knows what's gonna happen next: not on a freeway, not in an airplane, not inside our own bodies and certainly not on a racetrack with 40 other infantile egomaniacs.
    #41     Jun 24, 2003
    #42     Jun 24, 2003
  3. Cheyenne: Hey, you could make thousands of dollars... Hundreds of thousands of dollars... Even thousands of thousands of dollars... [​IMG]Harmonica: They call 'em millions.
    #43     Jun 24, 2003
  4. AllenZ


    I cant remember any from "Rogue Trader" but hopefully some of you that have seen it can remember one. There just has to be one, dont you hate when you forget something, I have to have seen that movie 3 times. Anyway hope someone can remember one.

    Best ones from: Heat, Boiler Room; Score

    Not exact words from Score but along these lines:

    When De Niro is explaining why he doestn take "flyers" to Norton's character. Telling him if he takes on too much risk he will eventually "blow out" ( end up in jail )

    Love that one but also cant remember exact words. You guys are going to make me get out my DVD's.

    Really enjoying this thread.

    #44     Jun 24, 2003
  5. First of all HEAT is the greatest action/drama movie ever made. The characters and supports in that movie are sick. Deniro plays the part so well. everything is legit in that movie. All of the moves, panthomines from the LAPD homicide unit to Neil's crew, the music also has that vintage Miami Vice flavor -- Michael Mann is the man! How about the scene where Pacino chases Deniro down on the thruway and they have coffee together.

    As far as movie quotes, if you have not seen the movie Rogue Trader, you need to do so immediately. It is based on the UK IB mess from a derivatives trader in the Asian markets, the Nikkei actually --

    After losing a ridiculous amount of money on an expiration week, the rogue trader is going to double down once again and sell more premium uncovered -- he looks up and says:

    "We're gonna double down again and we're gonna keep on doubling down until we win....Thats what the market is, its one big casino"
    #45     Jun 24, 2003
  6. For those of us forever weighing risks, this line from Unforgiven is appropriate:

    Kid: "Yep, I shot him dead alright. I guess he had it coming."

    Will Money (Clint Eastwood): "We've all got it coming kid."

    Oh, and the other great line from that movie:

    Will: "And don't you go hurtin' no more whores, or I'll come back and kill the rest of you sons-a-bitches."
    #46     Jun 24, 2003
  7. This thread is turning into , "Why the movie, Heat,is so great".

    Talk about discipline. Near the end when Neil comes out of the hotel he barely hesitates to turn and run when he spots Pacino's character coming after him. No extra risk for his girlfriend. He had his rules and he stuck to them.

    And thats what you gotta do. Stick to your plan.

    Now if it was Monica Belluci I would have hesitated another second.:)
    #47     Jun 24, 2003
  8. dilman57


    Eddie Murphy to the Dukes(Brights?) "Sounds to me like you're a coupla bookies" Just kidding Don.
    #48     Jun 24, 2003
  9. "What's up Doc?"

    I have buck teeth so I was called "bugs" instead of hershey bar.

    This made me thing and analyze stuff.

    I was not a rabbit....

    I didn't know what was going on.....

    When I climbed out of my hole in the morning I began to look around.

    By my nature "up" was important to me.......

    I got up, when up, and looked up......

    I could see squirrels saving nuts....

    Ants taking in producer goods andmaking deposits in regional warehouseswere always operating 24/7.......

    Old WSJ's piled up around my hole when the garden keepers went to deer island on the summer weeks.......

    I could see that "up" was a major news item all the time.

    By being a good and studious bunny, i knew that getting the paper a day ahead of time was a worthy goal.

    So I built a tool box to get tools to be able to build a way to get the paper a day ahead of time. If all went well I could go to
    Easthampton too where the herd was during summer........

    Now with my old tool box on two levels, I am always so glad when i hear and aquaintance say: "what's Up Doc?" I say : "If you wait a day or two blah blah will be"....... ES will be up tomorrow........bracket the open.
    #49     Jun 24, 2003
  10. What we need here are BIG SWINGING DKS....!

    ACT AS IF....

    ACT AS IF your dad is the CEO of the company! :p

    ACT AS IF you got a NINE INCH CAK! :D
    #50     Jun 24, 2003