Fast Money Circle Jerks Urging People to Buy Commodities

Discussion in 'Trading' started by ByLoSellHi, May 21, 2009.

  1. When gas prices hit $3.75 and then $4, U.S. drivers cut back driving the most miles in history - 12 billion miles.

    This time, U.S. businesses and consumers are even less financially able to pay for increases in costs from everything to gasoline to milk.

    There are more bankrupt businesses, more unemployed and underemployed workers, and more people who lost their homes. Conditions are far worse than they were in '07.

    People and businesses will keep cutting back.

    Those long commodities hoping for a replay of '07 are in denial of the fundamentals no matter how much USD weakness we see.
    #11     May 22, 2009
  2. i believe the reasoning is wrong but i think its a good call.
    #12     May 22, 2009