Farm bailout is now 2x the size auto maker bailout of 2009

Discussion in 'Politics' started by UsualName, Sep 20, 2019.

  1. UsualName


    That sure did happen quick didn’t it, and it’s still growing.

    Trump created a crisis so deep with his foolish trade war that it is now more than twice as costly to keep the agriculture industry in America alive during expanding economic times than it was the auto industry during a massive recession.

    The right wing was soooo outraged that America would save a vital industry during a recession but are quiet as kept when it comes to Trumps disasterous trade war with China.

    We have bailed out the farming industry to the tune of $28 billion compared to $12 billion for the auto industry.
  2. RedDuke


    It is totally fine with right wingers as long as it is done by Repub in WH, same with doubling deficit from 1/2 tril to over 1tril during economic expansion.

    Biggest Hypocrites on the planet.
  3. Wow, getting China to reverse 30 years of piracy, spying, theft and unfair trade deals is not just a matter of asking them nicely? Who could have foreseen that?

    The alternative is the Bush/Clinton/Bush/Obama policy of letting them rob us blind, so long as they kick some back to the well-connected, eg Sens. Feinstein, McConnell and various DC "think"tanks and of course media.
  4. UsualName


    Hold on a second, China has shown any signs of changing their behavior? Here I was under the impression that Trump is making one concession after the other and China has not shown any significant movement.

    Please share with us lowly plebs your super high level secret information.
  5. Trump's been acting like Xi will "come around" and do what Trump wants, but Trump's got the weak hand and Xi knows it. The Chinese intend to keep everything they've stolen/pirated and everything we've handed to them... period.
  6. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    China isn't going to show any signs of changing behavior at this point because they see how divided we are, and how the left is attacking the President at every corner over every issue - whether or not it is real or made up. They know they only need to hold out another year before a potential democrat comes around to give it all back.
    AAAintheBeltway likes this.
  7. Buy1Sell2


    The great thing about President Trump is that he protects all Americans, even the ones who bash him with no reason like you.
    Clubber Lang and AAAintheBeltway like this.
  8. UsualName


    You’re a eunuch.
  9. smallfil


    The tariffs are having a huge effect on China economically. Unless, you are extremely biased, you can clearly see that! China sounding more conciliatory because they know the next step to the US-China trade war is decoupling the US economy from China entirely! President Donald Trump would not hesitate to raise tariffs on ALL Chinese goods to 40% or higher because the end goal then, would be to reduce China to a very, very, very minor trade partner if at that! So, let us see if they will strike a fair trade deal now? President Donald Trump is dangling the carrot in front of them, let us see if they want to eat the carrot or get beaten up with the cudgel (tariffs). Common sense would dictate they take the carrot now because it is not going to be offered repeatedly, to them! If they want a better deal favorable only to China, they are dreaming! Not going to happen in this lifetime or 200 years from now!
    AAAintheBeltway likes this.
  10. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    I'm a eunuch because I point out how divisive your politics have become. As far as insults go, I think you chose a rather nonsensical one. But then again, its you.
    #10     Sep 20, 2019