
Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by lbcando, Oct 1, 2007.

  1. fxpip


    How many people he had in his room on average ?
    #341     Dec 22, 2007
  2. The post by oddman should be the final nail in this coffin, but it will take time and a continued concerted effort by those who know the truth to spread the gospel. You must not let up in your relentless fight to expose this SCAM run by a self-admitted FRAUDSTER. This is the morally correct thing to do.

    I strongly advise those crusaders to bring their message to other forums to get as much search exposure for those who have the common sense to conduct due diligence before they part with their money. www.mypivots.com has a thread on Falcon Day Traders. You can also start a thread on www.trickortrade.org

    You should also petition Baron to move this thread to the Educational Resources section where it rightfully belongs, given the severity of the SCAM. The trading community needs to know about this FRAUD on the front page, not the funny pages.

    As I carefully read the entire FDT website, I was appalled at the litany of lies. This one in particular was especially galling:

    "A Message From Blue Falcon -

    One of my greatest joys in my life is to be able to teach those willing to take their financial life into their own hands how to be successful. To be able to give the keys to success to those that until now have only been mediocre to losing traders is more fulfilling than you could ever imagine. I've been in this business for 25 years. I've learned pretty much every system out there. I can save people a lot of heartache."
    #342     Dec 23, 2007
  3. That needed a little rewriting:

    One of my greatest joys in my life is to be able to steal from those willing to take their own life, once they discovered what I am about. To be able to give myself the keys to success by conning those, that until now have only been mediocre to losing traders, is more fulfilling than you could ever imagine. I've been in this business for 25 years. I've learned pretty much by taking from every person out there. I can save people the heartache of having too much money in their account."

    #343     Dec 23, 2007
  4. CA99999


    Thank you OddMan for stepping forward and telling us your story why you left Blue!
    Many of us have discussed and questioned why you left so abruptly. The official story we heard from Blue, was that you had "burned out", as Blue put it. Now we know the story what really happened. You left because you did not put up with Blue's lies any longer!

    This last week, Blue was supposed to be on vacation, but still checking in and trying to manage his rooms through these "trying times" for him. And of course, his main source of relief, are the newbies, as they have just finished their education, and are now fired up and ready to start the "observation process", trying to figure out what Blue actually taught them.

    Fired up by Blue, the newbies are very irritated by all the "bad" writings about Blue on this site. "The bad people writing to this site, are on a mission to destroy the rooms," Blue proclaims.

    No Blue, we are not trying to destroy your room.
    Tell us Blue, how can we destroy your room? How is that possible?
    The only one who can (and will) destroy your room, is you Blue.
    For every day that goes by without you showing us how to trade your method, and make trade calls in front of our eyes, consistently resulting in 90% or higher winning trades, you destroy your room.

    OddMan left the room a year ago because you did not teach us how to trade.
    Now, one more year has gone by, and you have still not taught us how to trade your method.
    You are destroying not only your room, but you are destroying people. You are stealing not only money from well meaning people, but you have them spend hours, days, weeks and months trying to figure out a way to successfully trade your method, even though you know they will never be able to trade it!

    Blue does not have many places to go to seek solace these days, as the older members who are still left in the FDT rooms, did not adhere to his request to go to this site to support Blue. This is a big disappointment and embarrassment for Blue, so he now for the most part are restricting himself talking to the newbies, who still are "green" and don't know for sure yet that Blue is a phony.
    Of course, it is comforting for Blue to hear the newbies commenting to him, "We love you Blue", "don't pay attention to those bad people", and "we believe in you, Blue".

    To you newbies, I have said it before, and I will say it again: You are just like us. The only difference, is that we are a few months ahead of you. You are facing the same problems as the rest of us did, you will not be able to trade what Blue taught you, either.
    Why would you? Do you really think you are smarter than me or any of the other members writing to this site? Do you really think you are smarter than the older members who are long gone?
    Do you really think you are smarter than Blue?

    Newbies, listen how totally ignorant and illogical your thinking (or lack thereof) is:
    You see, if you believe you will be able to trade Blue's method successfully "after a few days of watching the market with the instructor's guidance in the live trading sessions" (a totally ridiculous statement on Blue's web site), or after 3 months, or 6 months or a year, you actually must believe Blue is stupid. You must think he is an idiot.
    "Why is that?" you may ask.

    Here is why:
    Blue has spent many years, and he still cannot trade it!
    So how logic is it to believe that you can spend a few months, and then all of a sudden wake up one day being able to successfully trade his method?
    Wake up and smell the roses!

    When you post to the room, "we believe in you, Blue", do you really understand what you are saying?
    Why do you have to "believe" in Blue?
    Should you not have proof by now, so you don't have to believe?
    Should you not know that Blue is the super trader he proclaims to be by now?

    If Blue is the super trader he proclaims to be, why does he not show us that he can trade and make all those points every day?
    Why do you only hear him come on the horn after a turn in the market and ask us, "Did everyone see that short (which happened 10 minutes ago, and the market has been dropping since then)?"
    Why did he not come on the mic 15 minutes earlier, and give a trade call so we all could see it happen in real time?

    Blue has told us that for him, trading is so easy he can trade in his sleep.
    Why can he not trade why we all are awake?

    You newbies, is there no logic going on in your brains?
    Do you not see how brain washed you have already become from Blue?
    You should stop calling your fellow members "bad" people for posting here.
    Read Trader 100's postings, and in particular read his latest posting on page 55.
    We are your best friends. In fact, we may be your only friends, as Blue is not your friend.
    But Blue has done a darn good job at letting you think he is your friend!

    I will congratulate Trader 100, not only for his honesty, but for so quickly come to the right conclusion: "I think this method is junk."
    Initially, Trader 100 did what Blue asked him to do, he came to this site as a new FDT member and defended Blue. For most students, it will take longer to realize they have been had. For some people, it has taken almost 2 years to come to the same conclusion as Trader 100 came to in 3 months! Kudos to Trader 100 for finding out so quickly!
    #344     Dec 23, 2007
  5. #345     Dec 23, 2007
  6. Car if you Google falcondaytraders as one word , I think you will be please to find this forum prominently listed.
    #346     Dec 23, 2007
  7. Laf i think he is right. How do we go about taking all of these posts and put them on there? This has to be put everywhere. We need as many people to see this as possible.
    #347     Dec 24, 2007
  8. Trader100


  9. Why the focus on mypivots? There are dozens of investment forum sites. You trying to put in a plug for them?
    #349     Dec 24, 2007
  10. Trader100


    #350     Dec 24, 2007