Fake people posting opinions to build consensus!

Discussion in 'Politics' started by MarketMasher, Feb 28, 2011.

  1. "...of unbiased news and opinions that made sense."

    Insert laugh track...

    #11     Mar 1, 2011
  2. Larson

    Larson Guest

    You just validated my point. Susceptible people follow the herd and lack healthy skepticism. You just can't fix stupid.
    #12     Mar 1, 2011
  3. jem


    Ironic that the berkeley would be framing the idea of framing.

    neo socialists - took over the name liberal.
    pro choice... is really being in favor of the right to kill pre born children.
    gays took over the word gay.

    liberals have the press and the press
    if you watch carefully cnn frames just about every issue even when they bring in the contra view point.

    the new your times was framing issues since I was a kid.
    when I was in dc the washington post was so good at framing even the sports writers did it.

    both sides have been framing since the at least the revolutionary war.
    #14     Mar 1, 2011
  4. Hey, where did that Thunderdog guy go?
    #15     Mar 1, 2011
  5. Both sides are trying to influence, no doubt.

    As long as both sides are applying their methods equally, that's the best that can be hoped for.

    It would be nice if all of this nonsense culminated in people learning to think about the arguments and issues...rather than just inhaling the spew from talking heads of either side.

    However, do you doubt the concept of framing the debate is a technology that not only works, but is being abused by both sides?

    The best thing to do with someone who has been "framed" is to just ask them questions about their position, boiling it down to the essential argument and position, then trying to show that the argument or position is flawed in nature.

    #16     Mar 1, 2011
  6. olias


    I agree. Both sides do it. I see it. It's one of the reasons I hate politics. I like an honest discussion, and you don't get that when everyone is trying to 'frame' the debate
    #17     Mar 1, 2011
  7. Here is the real issue, and why I think that the republicans are more abusive.

    When most right wingers present ideas, they don't say, "This is just our opinion." They just say what they want, and declare it the truth.

    No, they don't just say their position is an opinion only. Generally they just state opinion as fact. Additionally, many of the right wingers base their arguments on their religious beliefs, which ends all discussions, as they don't think their religious belief is an opinion.

    Typically, but not necessarily so, the right has a foundation based on some religious belief, and generally the left has a foundation of beliefs based on secular reasoning.

    So what is the real fact and truth of most of the arguments?

    Boil them down to their essential nature, and figure out what the first assumptions are, and if the first assumptions are not factual and without the ability to use reason to establish them, they should be rejected on principle of not wanting America to be a theocracy.

    The reality is that there is some good in conservatism, and some good in liberalism, and a proper balance between the two works best. A balance of power is the only thing to prevent totalitarian thinking from changing the power into a fascist state.

    #18     Mar 1, 2011
  8. You are WRONG!!

    HAL and I disagree, and we are 2 vs your 1.

    State your affiliation!! Are you a Republi-chip, or a Demo-chip?!!

    :D :D
    #19     Mar 1, 2011
  9. Ricter


    #20     Mar 1, 2011