Fake Outrage in Minnesota

Discussion in 'Politics' started by riddler, May 31, 2020.

  1. riddler


    I truly believe most of those protestors could care less about George Floyd. I think many protestors just want to feel as if they belong to some sort of social justice movement and relive the 1960’s. others are just a bunch of animals looking to destroy property and steal.
    We have the fake news, we now have FAKE OUTRAGE. Does anyone honestly believe those protestors are losing sleep about what happened to George Floyd? No!!! They are dreaming about all the free stuff they can get from target and other business’s.
    The question is how to deal with them? Well, it needed to be done swiftly and harshly and it wasnt, they copped out to a bunch of spoiled, entitled punks.
    I dont believe racism is a big problem, but i do believe its a money maker for a lot of news organizations, colleges, and politicians.
    Wait til the taxpayers get the bill for all the destruction. Then lets see how much they support protesting.
    I do believe many blacks dislike whites. There is racism everywhere and there always will be. But as i said, its not nearly as bad as the media purports it to be.
    The black culture is self destructive and needs to be addressed by individual blacks and black leaders. Why isnt it? There is a lot of money to be made in the business of racism.
    Next time a black kills a white guy, which will probably happen any minute, perhaps we should all show our outrage by looting a bunch of banks and stealing some corporate jets. Fake Outrage works!!!
    Clubber Lang likes this.
  2. Cuddles

