Fake Gurus List

Discussion in 'Educational Resources' started by Trader H.C., Aug 29, 2020.

  1. Overnight


    I spent 3.5 years in that room, 4.5 hours per day on every trading day. So I have first-hand knowledge of how the room worked, who worked there, and the intricacies of how everything went down there. He (Roger) was on the up-and-up. As for the "shadow trades"? If Handley/ Moore et. al. spent enough time there, they would know that when Clint and Roger would switch off, as they did every day except on Fridays when it was the programmer's day, they would review the "shadow trades", actually SHOW where the trades were, the entries and exits.

    I was there when Handley and his wife/girlfriend/mistress Roberta were in the room. They spent 30-60 minutes there for like 2 or 3 days. That simply wasn't enough time to understand what was going on.

    Dazz, I cannot recommend a "best room for you now please", because the best room that ever was disappeared the week before X-Mas, 2017.
    #21     Aug 29, 2020
    Trader H.C. likes this.
  2. Another saying to keep in mind which is pretty true:
    "Those who can not do, teach".
    #22     Aug 29, 2020
    Trader H.C. and Fonz like this.
  3. guru


    Obviously anyone whose name or title doesn't clearly state "Guru" cannot be a guru.
    A real guru would either be named "guru" or have "guru" in their title. Usually lower case is better because it's less pompous and therefore more likely real. But you may never know for sure.

    #23     Aug 29, 2020
  4. Al Brooks's video course is without a doubt the best available to the public and he charges so very little for it. I do not believe Al is still trading as actively as he once did if at all. But he did indeed trade and his video course reflects a depth of understanding of the price action of the emini market few ever achieve.
    #24     Aug 29, 2020
    yc47ib, SimpleMeLike and Trader H.C. like this.
  5. Nobert


    ,,There is two ways of having a highest tower in the city :
    Either you build yours
    tear down the others.''
    #25     Aug 29, 2020
  6. From a business perspective, one can both be a successful trader and educator. It's a personal choice but there has to be hard evidence of profitability which is lacking in the general business model today. I counter the argument that edge will be given away as an educator because much (if not nearly all) of successful trading is an "open secret". Same way gaining six-pack abs is an open secret but most just cannot get themselves to do what needs to be done and instead want an easy pill. Sunlight is the best disinfectant and if trading results are real and public, then the cream of crop will rise organically to the top and the gurus you speak of will vanish.
    #26     Aug 29, 2020
    apdxyk, beginner66, S-Trader and 3 others like this.
  7. deaddog


    I am surprised that no one has mentioned Linda Bradford Raschke as a legitimate educator and successful trader.
    #27     Aug 29, 2020
  8. She took her seminar online for the first time, presumably due to covid, and it started today. Full day seminar today and then a week of live trading devoted solely to day trading the S&P's and intraday timing. At $899 it is a bargain I'm sure for anyone needing help developing a consistently profitable trading plan.

    She is without a doubt a credentialed performer. Over the years I have learned a great deal from her, especially her SPX modeling.
    #28     Aug 29, 2020
    Trader H.C. likes this.
  9. realtrades


    Oh my Jesus! That guy is the biggest scammer of them all.
    #29     Aug 29, 2020
    Trader H.C. likes this.
  10. Dazz


    "Linda Bradford Raschke as a legitimate successful trader".

    If that is true, what trades did she take this week? What was aver P/L per trade for the last month? Can you show me single trade she entered in real time?
    I in Polaris Trade Group and Trade for Greatness every day. They trade ever day, execute trades in real time every day, post a detailed and forthright track record every day. Greatness made over $5300 in the last 2 weeks.
    I see nothing from Linda; she is all vendor/no trader. How can that not be overtly obvious?
    #30     Aug 29, 2020
    SimpleMeLike and Trader H.C. like this.