F-15 strike Eagle down over Libya

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Grandluxe, Mar 22, 2011.

  1. A US warplane has crash-landed in Libya, a US military spokesman says.

    The spokesman, Kenneth Fiddler, told the BBC there was no indication that the F-15 Eagle was brought down by hostile fire.

    He said one crew member had been recovered safely. An operation is under way to recover another.

    It is not clear where the plane went down. The development follows a third night of allied air strikes against Cola Gaddafi's forces.

    More on the US warplane that crashed late on Monday in Libya.

    It is understood that the pilot was taken by rebels and is safe, the Telegraph says.


    one "rescued" by rebels, the other unknown.
  2. <img src="http://i.telegraph.co.uk/multimedia/archive/01854/plane01_1854046b.jpg" alt="Exclusive Telegraph picture shows locals inspecting an American F-15 E Strike Eagle jet that crashed in a field" height="388" width="620" />
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    <div class="tools imgindex">Image&nbsp;<span class="index">1</span>&nbsp;of&nbsp;<span class="total">4</span>
  3. Russian planes and helicopters were crash landing during Russia - Afghanistan war. Just having wild thoughts.
  4. pspr


    The Chinese are going to be over there buying up the parts to re-engineer the fighter. We had better not leave it there.
  5. think the Chinese already have better jets than F-15