Extract formula in meta stk

Discussion in 'Trading Software' started by clarodina, Jan 31, 2017.

  1. How to extract the formula in meta stock without opening the software? Some problem with the windowplatform and have to reformat but the formula is not back up in meta stock 11.
  2. jharmon


    I did this years ago (no longer use Metastock though)....

    Install Metastock to a second PC
    Extract all areas of the registry related to the indicators
    Copy all files in Metastock folder (I think the main one you needis MSFMLxx.DTA where xx is your version number or something like that).

    In the future:
    Buy yourself a couple of external hard drives and do regular system image backups to avoid this whole issue.
    Also copy-and-paste your formula to standard text files to make it easier to recover too
  3. The indicators have not manually export to dta using indicator builder export OR are they auto generate on the folder once you make some indicators on the software? Secondly dont know which registry related to the indicators. Are there some tools to get the proper registry?

    The win is not booting and not accessible to the software
  4. jharmon


    Well I guess you never did backups.
  5. How do you find the right registries?
  6. jharmon


    Use regedit. It's been that long I don't recall where, but just start looking around in the obvious locations (HKCU\Software and HKLM\Software). You'll find the equis/metastock entries soon enough.
  7. But the indicator are on the c partition are not yet export to dta and the partition is not bootable How? Even user copy the folders those indicators are not export to dta
  8. jharmon


    There are ways of extracting registry hives from non-bootable PCs.
  9. What about the dta files on non booting pc? They are on the list but have not export to dta files
  10. jharmon


    You need both MS11FORM.DTA and the registry entries.
    #10     Feb 9, 2017