Extended Hours - Chart

Discussion in 'Educational Resources' started by badhumvee, Jan 19, 2006.

  1. badhumvee



    Compared to some of the pros out here, I am a relatively neubie here. Recently I have been learning though. One thing I got stuck at was, the extended hours data.

    I use E*Trade quotes for extended service. Their real-time quote streamer service does the job ok (even in the extended hours). But what I am interested in is some form of charting service that charts the price of the stock atleast in the extended hours before/after the regular floor trading hours.

    I expect paid/expensive services like bloomberg, etc. may have these features, but do you know any free/free-trial/inexpensive resources catering to this need?. I would really like realtime 'growing/advancing' charting service, but i can even settle with the delayed service in a chart format.

    Again, I can get the realtime quotes for th extended hours just fine using E*trade streamer - what I am really looking for is some form of a charting service (so that I can put the realtime quotes in some context).

    Also, if you have any suggestions for a better alternative to E*trade streaming quotes(which I use just because its free with my account there), please share.

    Thanks a lot for your help.

    :) I Love to see Humvees, but hate to own one!:p