Experts Suggest Nuking the Gulf Oil Leak

Discussion in 'Politics' started by walter4, Jun 5, 2010.

  1. Do they, too, believe in virgins awaiting them in Paradise?



    Uhm.wait.. I just had an idea.
    How about plugging that hole with Evangelicals? We could save the Earth, and fix the damn leak at the same time!
    #11     Jun 6, 2010
  2. First the birther thing ,now this.Does your conspiracy theories ever end ?
    #12     Jun 6, 2010
  3. As the KKK is a wing of the democratic party, who would vote your politicians in then?

    #13     Jun 6, 2010
  4. The idea of using a small nuke to seal the well is not as outlandish as it sounds. The Russians apparently did the same thing four times. The nuke is set off far undeground, so I don't know that there is a radiation problem.

    Clearly it is a last ditch solution, but is it more dangerous than just letting the well play itself out by dumping the entire reservoir into the gulf, which is what the mexicans ended up doing with their blown out gulf well?

    The problem has been a near complete absence of leadership by the ever-vacationing Obama, who has sent an implicit message to the federal bureaucracy and BP that he views this as a business as usual issue, not a threat on the level with a WMD crisis. If the threat was to unionized government workers instead of red state voters in the south, I have little doubt Obama's sense of urgency would be magnified.
    #14     Jun 6, 2010
  5. So when private industry can't fix their own think the government should rush in and save them.

    Why not just have Obama Nationalize the oil industry if you think the government is the best solution to solving oil industry problems...

    #15     Jun 6, 2010

  6. Funny they cant see this

    Funny that Southern States who supports Republicans ,no government and drill baby drill are now begging Obama and the Government to save them
    #16     Jun 6, 2010
  7. It is so pathetically transparent on the part of the right wing.

    Any reasonable person blames BP...but do we hear outrage from the right wing about BP's, their cover-ups, their attempt to whitewash the situation, spend 50 billion dollars on a PR campaign?

    The right only thinks how can they blame Obama for any problem...even problems caused by private industry. This is not an act of God like Katrina...this was an act of a corporation, and they should be held solely responsible.

    Their only goal is to politicize this, they don't really give a shit about the impact on the environment...they never really have given a shit. The same people didn't care about the Exxon Valdez, they just want to drill baby drill, make all the money they can, then when it fucks up...blame the government (unless they are a republican government).

    #17     Jun 6, 2010
  8. Agreed 100 %
    #18     Jun 6, 2010
  9. jem


    just what I expected from commie dimwits. A reply with no substance.
    Why not explain why we are takin such extreme risk.

    Why would anyone with a brain allow bp to use such a toxic chemical?

    The consequences will be all Obama's.

    From a half an hours research -- it is apparent to me the risk or so high with this chemical Obama could go down as the most incompetent man is history. Why take that chance with our nation.
    #19     Jun 6, 2010
  10. Apparently Obama's obsession with idiotic straw man arguments has filtered down even to Optional. Who is defending BP? Not me. Some people have pointed out that it seems odd to be pursuing criminal charges against them at the same time you are letting them run this slow motion disaster. Maybe their huge lobbying budget, which employs Obama lackey and democrat hitman John Podesta has something to do with Obama's passivity. Or maybe he just doesn't have the stones to be a leader.

    Rudy Guliani put it pretty accurately. When the president takes a casual, hands off approach, that attitude filters down through the government and we get the kind of lackadaisical reaction we have seen so far. I have a lot of issues with Rudy G, but you can bet he would have been down there the first week, kicking ass and taking names, and if BP hadn't hopped to, he would kicked them off the job and got someone in charge who would have done something. Why wasn't BP forced, for example, to charter supertankers and have them on scene to pump the oil into as it surfaced? Was it a better idea to let it spread out through 50 miles of ocean, then try to siphon it up? The whole thing speaks of incompetency.
    #20     Jun 6, 2010