Experienced Index Futures Trader looking for new employment

Discussion in 'Professional Trading' started by jorel, Nov 19, 2005.

  1. jorel


    • Successfully created and expanded delta inventorying and crossing operations for stock index options risk management desk
    • Actively managed and executed futures and ETF trades on behalf of option risk management desk
    • Consistently exceeded profit/loss expectations set forth by hedging parameters through developing strategic revenue opportunities

    Will provide resume upon request
  2. esmjb


    did you actually trade or just execute orders given to you by someone else?
  3. How NOT to get a backer/OPM for one's trading:

    Use the most cryptic & nebulous terms you can possibly think of, for simple activities like filling orders for customers. Leave your potential backers convinced you know how to write up plenty of fancy words to describe simple things. Make them assume you have finely tuned bullshitting skills... but not much else.

    This post isn't intended to flame, but to help you understand how it will be interpreted by the people you're trying (too hard) to impress.

  4. jorel


    Do you even know what a Delta is? I apologize(sorry) if you(jerkstore) took umbrage(offense) with my expansive(deep and broad) vocabulary(words). I will be more than happy to send you a thesaurus for festivus.
  5. We're both right.

    *I am correct in letting you know that you'll do alot better by just expressing yourself plainly, instead of trying to make simple things sound complex.

    *You are correct in your assumption that I'm an asshole.
  6. EPrado


    Like others have said, tone it down. All these fancy words really wont get you too far...in fact..like RM said, kind of sounds like you are bullshitting. Your first thing means nothing to me.

    "Actively managed and executed futures and ETF trades on behalf of option risk management desk"

    Did you just execute orders given to you, or did they give you orders and you used your discretion?

    The last thing I think you are trying to say is that you are profitable. Just say that, dont start talking about revenue opportunities.

    Take it for what its worth....but if I got your resume with all this fancy stuff...and some other guys with a much more clear/basic description.....I would be much interested in guy with the clear description...a resume only gets you in the door...and with all this fancy stuff on here, you will draw everyone's BS detector......and if youa re questioned about this and dont really have a grip on it, you are history.....

    Tone it down man....
  7. EPrado


    You arent an asshole RM .......just an easy mark for guys like me to pick you off..... ** see dating game bet...lol

    I totally forgot about that Bulls bet.....how much did you take off me ..I do remember it was a miserable bet

    I remember back when we were at the same firm and got a resume like this guys....usually GL wouldnt even bother calling em ....Managers look at resumes for 11.2 seconds....longwinded ones take 30.4 seconds...managers dont wanna bother.....
  8. Pabst


    You're the idiot. Rearden Metal trades more options in a day than you've traded in your life. He's also one of the few bona fide "super star" traders on this site and perhaps even someone who would have helped you.

    And yes your CV reads pompous, strained, pretentious and lacks substance. You'd be better just writing in "trader vernacular." Something like"I've been whipping around size and had a great run, but me (or my group) recently got hammered and now I need a stake."
  9. Whimsy

    Whimsy Guest

    • Successfully created and expanded delta inventorying and crossing operations for stock index options risk management desk

    Created database that did some simple calculations. Maybe the idea behind the system was mine, more likely I was coding up someone else's idea(s)

    • Actively managed and executed futures and ETF trades on behalf of option risk management desk

    Entered Orders

    • Consistently exceeded profit/loss expectations set forth by hedging parameters through developing strategic revenue opportunities

    By following rules set by others I did what I was being paid to do, made money for my firm.

    I imagine you are relatively young (and bright). Some of us are relatively old and wise. Reading what you wrote in your precis resume leads the experienced resume scanner to the above conclusions. If it crossed my desk it would go into the out basket marked "no interest".

    Being pretentious does not get you in the door, it can often be counterproductive.

    Simple words, not readily misconstrued, are much better.
  10. EPrado


    I had the honor to work with MR RM for yrs.....a hell of a trader....a good man....but we used to play "HORSE" with a nerf ball/hoop during down times....and not for anything...but RM had a very troubling time dunking the nerf ball in a hoop that was maybe a foot higher than him...he had the leaping ability/grace of an elephant with 4 broken legs
    #10     Nov 19, 2005