execution costs

Discussion in 'Retail Brokers' started by jay15, Mar 4, 2003.

  1. Exclusive offer for all EliteTrader.com Members, which is available with the recently released Direx Platinum v 6.0 (which includes Premium Charting & History)

    Base Commission: $5 per 1000 shares
    SOES: $2 per 1000 shares
    Island: FREE
    ARCA: $2 per 1000 shares
    Trac: $3 per 1000 shares
    NTRD: $3 per 1000 shares
    BRUT $5 per 1000 shares
    BTRD $5 per 1000 shares
    DORS: $5 per 1000 shares
    ATTN: $9 per 1000 shares
    NYSE Direct FREE
    AMEX Direct FREE
    BULLETS $15 per 1000 shares
    Cancels FREE
    SEC FEE .0000301 x Total Value of Sales

    Direx Platinum v 6.0 Software Fee (includes Premium Charting):
    $39.99, waived after 100,000 monthly share volume.

    Note: all pricing is prorated on a per share basis.
    Example: 500 Shares executed on Island will cost $2.50.
    1000 Shares executed on ARCA will cost $7.
    500 Shares of NYSE Stock executed on NYSE Direct will cost $2.50.

    For high volume traders please call for special pricing.

    Please contact Customer Support with any questions at 1.866.68.DIREX or send us an e-mail at support@pointdirex.com


    Customer Support
    #11     Mar 5, 2003