Exchange of information

Discussion in 'Prop Firms' started by neteng1958, Jun 23, 2009.

  1. I am licensed prop trader and work in black and gray box development testing . I also manage a small branch of about 25 remote traders. I'd like to talk to other people just to exchange ideas about the industry.

    It would be best to contact me via private response as the posts can be less than productive sometimes. Also if anyone is just looking for help or information in general feel free to ask. I don't have any type of training programs to offer because I really only work with experienced people and referrals but I was new once too so if I can tell you anything that will help I don't mind.
  2. Chcel by som sa opyta», èi by bolo mo¾ne dosta» certifikat k wifi pripojeniu do SE c905. Koncovka suboru je .PFX Typ suboru: Personal Information Exchange
    Sluzi to k pripojeniu k wifi sieti v ¹kole.
    Nepozna niekto niejaky program cez ktory by sa to dalo otvorit a pripadne manualne nastavit udaje do telefonu??
    Dakujem za akukoåvek radu, ktorá by mi pomohla rie¹i» tento problem...
