Excellent Bush Speech..Excellent

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by libertad, Apr 25, 2006.

  1. Hawk-fx


  2. dandxg

    "stands by his convictions"........that is a flaw, not an honorable trait. Bush and his convictions could end up getting him convicted as a lawbreaker. You were doing fine up to the convictions statement...................:D
    #22     Apr 27, 2006
  3. Has anyone calculated the area required to be planted in corn/sugar in order to make the US self sufficent and then applied this area to the climatic conditions within the US.
    #23     Apr 27, 2006
  4. Hardyards Wrote;

    Has anyone calculated the area required to be planted in corn/sugar in order to make the US self sufficient and then applied this area to the climatic conditions within the US.

    Excellent Commentary


    Biodiesel from other substrates from marginal land using cold press methods....combined with large scale solar electricity....
    when combined offer the best energy efficiency ratios and do not compete with food production .....and in particular add new industries and jobs instead of converting the US ag base...

    The more perfect example of best use of ag production is ADM...

    Corn ...soybeans are positively received but require continual heavy govt subsidy...

    Alts are going to have to swim with $25 oil...but because of dollar depreciation...will have to swim with $40-$50 oil...

    Oil prices are excessive because of a number of issues:

    Bush´s will to pay back the OIL Industry ....Bush is honest to the degree that he pays back his friends who helped him....however
    F...ing the public is not the way to do it...

    The simple carry play ...buy the cash sell the futures made wall street a lot of money....but it is going to lose a lot of money when war tensions ease as real demand puts oil at $40....

    The reason for the long delay is lack of funds required for big time projects...US has too many ious...

    Unfortunately...after prices settle...an oil tax will be required to keep alts competitive....

    Hey but what do I know ...just a cowboy blowin smoke....
    #24     Apr 27, 2006
  5. Right. They're all bastards. Period.

    Send a message to Washington...
    Register Independent.

    We do this because we're independent thinkers and are not blinded by one party's (or the other's) bullshit.

    #25     Apr 27, 2006
  6. #26     Apr 27, 2006
  7. TorontoTrader2 wrote:

    Fools like you listen to empty words, but ignore actions. You grease the wheels of facism (defined as the merger of Government and Corporations - with oil men running the show, need I say more)

    Whoa Horse.......excellent commentary...

    Read my other posts in this segment.....couldnt agree more with you...

    Read my other previous posts as well....

    I hope Bush and Cheney are roomates and get to know each other intimately well in their soon to be new home....JAIL....

    #27     Apr 27, 2006

  8. Registering Indepent doesn't do squat, because we have a Republic and an Electorial College. The 2 party system is firmly entrenched. Ross Perot was our one and only shot, not that he was the answer.

    I am seriously thinking of moving to a country with a Parlimentary System of Government, maybe Canada. Equal representation by popular vote is the way. Yeah taxes are higher in Canada, but shit atleast I would feel better about where my taxes are going, instead of freakin corp. tax breaks for big oil and IraqNam. Sorry, no disrespect for Vietnam Viets, I am pissed off and disguisted at this Country and it's politics.

    Canada or other Parlimentary governments aren't perfect by any means, but our country is F'ed up. Damn this used to be a great place, turned into a broke police state by a bumbling moron with a six gun.
    #28     Apr 27, 2006
  9. It isn't really an issue. Generetically engineered bacteria that break down cellulose waste into butanol during fermentation are currently in the testing stage.

    A large amont of fuel could be produced from waste product we currently throwing away. Switch grass can be used and it grows like a weed, even in very poor soil. We can use land currently not capable of sustaining traditional crops like corn.

    #29     Apr 28, 2006
  10. The best way for bush to support farmers is to encourage the use of butanol/ethonol instead of oil. Creating demand for product is better than subsidies.

    #30     Apr 28, 2006