Exactly how stupid is Bush??

Discussion in 'Politics' started by bungrider, Apr 16, 2003.

  1. ...always good to try and quantify stuff whenever possible...

    i've always said that arrogance is the brainchild of stupidity, and right now, i can't find anyone who has demonstrated repeated arrogance through stupidity better than our "leader" (if "leader" means "lead balloon")
  2. or I'll call the Secret Service on you! :D
  3. Magna

    Magna Administrator

    Doesn't that violate the Sedition Act or something? :) Nevermind, I just remembered that we were fighting in Iraq for democracy and one of it's main components, free speech, so I guess you're in the clear. For now....
  4. probably. when he spoke earlier today (and took us to new lows -- thanks, dubya!! :D ) he made some smart ass remark about how lucky people are here to be able to protest against the war...

    i really resent the fact that he acts like whatever freedoms we americans have are only through his good graces...

    i'm sure him and ashcroft will do whatever it takes to keep restricting american freedoms...

    he is so arrogant it makes me want to puke...i don't understand how someone who has achieved so little can act like he has done so much...he couldn't even get into college without his parents help...

    what has he done?? pissed away a bunch of $$ in the desert, never found any WMD (thus the shift from anti-WMD to iraqi freedom), and ruined our economy...SO CLAP YOUR HANDS!!!

    blows my mind that anyone can be stupid enough to cheer him on...SO CLAP YOUR HANDS!!
  5. I see Saddam is not the only person underestimating our President. I doubt he cares. He no doubt remembers how the left always underestimated our greatest President of the last two centuries, Ronald Reagan. He was so dumb he defeated world communism, won the Cold War, rescued our economy, cut our taxes, remade our judiciary, got us started on an effective missile defense system and restored people's pride in their country.

    But he wasn't a deep thinker like Barbra Streisand.
  6. WOW...how much was that fabled missle defense system? $60billion??

    ...and "they" said it'd never work...


  7. You describe Bushs' attitude as arrogant, how do you decribe yours'? Or do you look in the mirror?
  8. Both Patriot and the Stealth projects were part of the reagen defense plan....seemed to have saved lives to me....ask Israel and Kuwait about the patriot system.
  9. I don't know if that's really a fair comparison. I mean, yeah, at face value, the things I say about dubya are exceedingly arrogant, but it's not like I'm saying that I'm a politician and I'm better at it than he is.

    I think it comes off as being arrogant because I am so disgusted by what the US has become ever since W appeared in the white house. Actually, no; it all started with the Clinton impeachment. That is where my disgust with republicans really started. You had guys like Trent Lott (who doesn't even feel the need to disguise his racism) and Strom Thurman (father of how many illegitimate children?? how much younger were his wives than him??) with their hyprocritical witch hunt that cost me and you lots of tax money.

    You had Reagan pissing away billions on that missle-defense system that would never work...

    You had Newt with his family values, when he ditches his wife in the hospital...

    You had clarence thomas and his love of animal porn...

    You have bush with his coke and drunk driving...

    And you have bush pissing away billions on iraq...

    And there was that consumption tax (remember: NO NEW TAXES) that W wanted...

    And then there was that tax cut for the wealthy, when the ass didn't even have the common sense to cut dividend double taxation first...

    And now there's more government than ever before with the dept of homeland security...

    And there was the whole "let's invade iraq because they have terrorists" quickly morphing into "let's invade iraq because those people are treated so poorly by saddam" when it was reagan and rumsfeld who armed saddam and trained him in the first place...(see the syria next thread)

    And then there's the whole patriot act, which allows the govt to spend YOUR TAX DOLLARS to potentially harass you within the US, which was formerly considered unconstitutional, as any unreasonable surveillance of citizens by govt usually is...

    I can keep going but I'm calling it a day...but my point is that the past two years have been extremely frustrating for me, when I see our great country being plundered by fiscally irresponsible republicans with hidden agendas, like HAL...
  10. i was referring to "star wars"
    #10     Apr 16, 2003