evolution: 1 creationism: 0

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Gordon Gekko, Feb 5, 2004.

  1. Clever signature seen on another message board:

    "Don't pray in my school. I won't think in your church."
  2. go evolution / boo creation-isnt ism :-/
  3. What is so threatening about exposing students to different theories? Evolution is a theory, not fact. There is no proof for it. Teaching evolution as if it were an established fact is misleading and ignorant. I think students should be taught the concepts of evolution but also shown the holes in it and the reasoning of those who believe in intelligent design.

    It's typical of liberals that they want to control the school curriculum and use it to brainwash students. It's bad enough when they do it with history texts, which are slanted and full of bias, but it is unconscionable that they have to politicize science.
  4. creation-isnt ism is no theory. doesnt deserve respect of a "theory". its bunk pure and simple. GARBAGE! product of weak minds :-/

    ps my mind is very strong
  5. Sorry there are proof of Evolution notably in genetics - as I have done 2 engineering school the first one in biological. Now it is also true that Evolution theory alone doesn't explain the origin of creation per se. Now to say that it is brainwashing because of that is a little farfetched. If some teachers are too zealous about using evolution theory to justify atheism is not the fault of evolution theory per se it is the fault of the humans who use any pretext to falsely justify their beliefs more founded on their stomach than on "reasonable hypothesis" expression of Henri Poincaré who reminds that Science is not absence of belief . Evolution theory is just incomplete and what's so astonishing since Science is perpetually searching to complete theories.

  6. :confused:
  7. Moreover Creation theories in general concern Singularity that is to say something or a special instant that doesn't follow a known law which is known only after the state of singularity. For example the Big Bang or the center of a Black Hole is a singularity - a sort of rift in space and time continuum - that doesn't follow Physics laws like Einstein's Relativity because the laws only exist AFTER the singularity. Can be the same thing for Evolution theory it's just not aimed to explain creation but just evolution AFTER creation.

  8. stu kicked your azz on other thread. you left crying in your beer.. enuf said :-/
  9. Turok


    >If some teachers are too zealous about using evolution
    >theory to justify atheism is not the fault of evolution
    >theory per se it is the fault of the humans who use any
    >pretext to falsely justify their beliefs more founded on
    >their stomach than on "reasonable hypothesis" expression
    >of Henri Poincaré who reminds that Science is not absence
    >of belief .

    Now THAT is an amazing sentence.

    #10     Feb 5, 2004