Evidently, Right Wing politics can make you fat

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Frederick Foresight, Nov 6, 2019.

  1. Well, I don't know how he sweetens his cow pies, but I would recommend a breath mint afterwards either way.
    #11     Nov 6, 2019
    Bugenhagen likes this.
  2. Bugenhagen


    My mom used to put little pastry horns on my 'cow pies'. Desperate Dan was a favourite.

    If you are eating cow pies made of cow shit Hotcakes, try and avoid ones from fields with pregnant cows.

    #12     Nov 6, 2019
    Frederick Foresight likes this.
  3. Looks like the Republican gubernatorial lineup.
    #13     Nov 6, 2019
    Tony Stark, exGOPer and Bugenhagen like this.
  4. Who knows what motivates a person to choose a name? Some mysteries are better left unknown.;) The trans people themselves are not the dummies, they are ill and need professional help. The dummies are the ones standing science on its head to push some political narrative. It's also cruel to allow these people to sink deeper into their delusions. Some guy walks in dressed as Superman, a caring person, especially a medical professional, doesn't take him up to the roof and shove him off. Such is the world we live in.
    #14     Nov 6, 2019
  5. RedDuke


    I think it has to do with laziness, as we know 2/3 of GDP is produced in blue counties contrary to right yelling about these lazy free loading liberals and etc. Plus lower levels education, plus lower paying jobs and etc. The more the state turns blue the better/healthier quality of life becomes.

    Now, the issue is extreme left when states turning blue.

    Wish we would all agree on some kind of middle. But ultra left is "repeal 2nd amendment" and ultra right "no abortions even if women is raped".

    I am telling you guys, we either find some middle ground or we will tear the fabric of our great nation apart.
    #15     Nov 6, 2019
    Frederick Foresight likes this.
  6. LS1Z28


    Obesity rates are tied closely to poverty rates. States with higher levels of poverty tend to have higher levels of obesity, and states with lower levels of poverty tend to have lower levels of obesity. I doubt that it has much to do with political affiliation.
    #16     Nov 6, 2019
  7. Yeah, but I was having some fun.
    #17     Nov 6, 2019
    LS1Z28 likes this.
  8. Bugenhagen


    Ok, battle mode off for a moment :)

    I guess I did mix up intersex/transexual and transgender a little however I believe that this is a spectrum, some definitions have altered over time. Those who have both male and female organs (intersex) and trans who may be male or female however have opposite sex structures in the brain, or partial. Nature likes to mix things up.

    Most just live quiet lives like anyone else, a few push back when pushed like in any group. I learned a long time ago on my travels that they are not faking being different to you or I.
    #18     Nov 6, 2019
  9. We'd all learn more if we could get out of battle mode, but what fun would that be?:D Yeah, most people just want to be left alone to live their lives, something getting more difficult to do it seems. Perhaps we have no one but ourselves to blame.
    #19     Nov 7, 2019
    traderob, RedDuke and Bugenhagen like this.