Everybody complaining about "socialism"

Discussion in 'Politics' started by bigdavediode, Oct 29, 2008.

  1. Interesting point. I'm not sure if that's really implementable though.
    #61     Nov 1, 2008
  2. Obama actually has a better fiscal plan than McCain. McCain's plan is ~1 Trillion more expensive over a 4 year period than Obama's but doesn't substantially decrease taxes for the majority of American families. In addition to that, McCain's plan doesn't include any substantial spending cuts to pay for it, so he's counting on a large budget deficit before he's even implementing it..

    Obama on the other hand has outlines spending cuts in order to balance the budget. Obama's proposed spending cuts include reforming government spending ($17 billion in 2013), elimination of waste and obsolete programs ($50 billion) and a phased withdrawal from Iraq ($156 billion).

    The only conclusion of a person that calmly examines the candidates' fiscal plans is that it is infact John McCain that's the great wealth redistributor. By planning on incurring a large budget deficit he's proposing to increase national debt and redistribute wealth from future generations to the current.
    #62     Nov 1, 2008
  3. Let me ask you then. If I stayed back home in Texas, and didn't use any government roads, never called the police, and decided to make my own arrangements regarding protection against a fire, then you think I shouldn't be paying any US taxes? Well in that case we got little to disagree about. Unfortunately the government does not agree, and gives me no choice - I would have to pay those taxes regardless of whether I use the services or not. Luckily there are still ways around the tyrannical extra-territorial worldwide taxation on income.

    As for not paying the taxes - that's only the case because I made the difficult choice to leave behind my homeland rather than submit to a lifetime of extortion on pain of imprisonment. If Al Capone takes over a neighbourhood and tells everyone he's charging them half their income as "protection", and some people decide to leave rather than put up with that, does that mean they have no right to complain about his gangster behaviour? If a German saw the rise of Hitler and emigrated for reasons of personal and family safety & liberty, he still has the right to denounce Hitler and Nazism, don't he? If I see a bunch of socialists ruining my country, then I will complain as much as I want, and the same goes for those who cravenly defend such treachery.

    I view myself as someone who was driven off his land by threats and theft by strangers, who basically wanted to steal my hard-earned money and made up all sorts of hifalutin arguments about how it was a charge for "services" - services I never asked for nor wanted. All I would want is to be left alone on my ranch, and not get bothered by anyone, but it seems that is too much to ask nowadays.
    #63     Nov 3, 2008
  4. That's impossible -- you're going to use the public roads if you eat food, use gas, purchase anything from anyone. And your theory that you won't phone the police is unworkable too -- you pay for their protection whether or not they come to your property. Your property isn't overrun with visigoths because of them.

    So move. There are many places in the world without taxation (of course the Cayman islands takes a percentage of your bank account each year.) The places without any taxes have very low policing, too.

    Well I don't see a fire department as "treachery" so I think you're being overly dramatic. And frankly if you're paying half your income in taxes you just don't know how to structure your taxes.

    But you want to buy gas, purchase goods, use government money... so really you just want something for nothing.
    #64     Nov 3, 2008