Every Man, Woman, and Child Has Given Losing Banks $24,000....So Far....

Discussion in 'Economics' started by libertad, Jan 19, 2009.

  1. http://seekingalpha.com/article/115290-what-can-we-learn-from-the-1930s?source=article_sb_picks

    The questions now are....

    1) How much more ?

    2) Would it have been better for the Fed just to
    give every man, woman, and child $24, 000....and more ?

    3) Is the $24,000 just an added cost....or an investment that
    will return more than $24,000 ?

    The real question is how can $7 Trillion replace $50 Trillion ?
    The keypoint being valuations being in individual names versus government names in the future....

    Why reward losing banks ?

    Why not reward winning banks ?

    Why not reward those entitities that have the best chance of returning the $50 Trillion lost ?....In the shortest period of time ?
  2. When you do a more realistic calculation, given how front loaded the tax system is, and that probably 50% or Americans pay little to no tax, this will work out to be more like 10% of Americans will each give $240,000 to loser banks.

    Thanks Hank Paulson, you pathetic ringer for your buddies!
  3. Excellent point....

    And this is actually US debt supported by other countries populations such as China....who are supposedly poorer and work for far less than US citizens....

    With the main point being ...as in your example....when all said and done....does the $240,000 go to $1,000,000+....?

    This seems to be the nail in the coffin for US small business....the true incubator/estuary for what has actually been responsible for much of the world's wealth....

    The road to Rome is being completed....
  4. sprstpd


    Actually, this "money" is just created out of thin air so nobody has to pay for it. Isn't it great - we can just conjure up more dollars whenever we want! Utopia!
  5. Eurika ! Problem solved !

    No more money problems ...no more poor countries !

    Will Walmart soon be selling print it yourself kits made in China ?


    And this is better....because the burden is shared by all...rich and poor....

    Everyone equally shares the " fair devaluation " ....


    Would it not be funny if China was buying US debt with their own "home made dollar bills" ? Actually probably would not make much difference..."Actually would save the US cost of printing"....


    The real secret is that both Paulson and Bernanke are mentally "brown water" driven....
  6. Had Hankie been flying that plane last week he'd have said...we need more altitude, start dumping the passengers.
  7. agpilot
