Every major developed country central bank is maintaining negative real interest rates.

Discussion in 'Economics' started by dealmaker, Apr 17, 2018.

  1. dealmaker


  2. I wonder who will have positive real rates after the coming mini disinflation is over.
  3. I wonder how many recall... that back about 40 years ago we had economic growth and all... with the long bond @ 8.5%, money market funds @ 6% and passbook savings accounts @ 5.25% (which was thought of as a lousy return.)

    So... what is it about today's economy and economic structure which requires negative interest rates??
  4. Population aging and decline.

    Japan is every developed economy's future.
  5. southall


    Nah, Japan is a bit racist and doesnt want to import migrants, they also dont have much space.
    US population at record levels and increasing with plenty of space for more.


    The US could keep adding 2 million people a year, it would still take over 300 years for the population to reach 1 billion.
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2018
  6. Yah, https://fred.stlouisfed.org/graph/?g=juk2

    All major countries have plenty of space.

    No one except the white left wants immigrants.
  7. tiddlywinks


    Negative IR vs CPI (or equivalent). Targeted inflation didn't happen, and QE isn't/hasn't/doesn't work. What is so difficult to understand? Why are so many people confused?

    Negative IR is NECESSARY to keep interest payments from expanding. The amount of debt held by CBs is dwarfed by the amounts held by true "lenders", domestic and foreign that collect IR.
  8. southall


    Japan is smaller than the state of california but has over 3 times the population of california.
    White people going to be a minority in most western countries soon. Reason is white women not having enough babies. Too busy focusing on career during their fertile years.
    Future for the west is a muslim take over as they love to breed.

    You ask immigrants if you want more immigrants they might say no. But ask them if they want their extended family to come and join them they will say yes.
  9. True, the white race is over, following the Jews and Japanese.

    Wrong, there is a ton of uninhabited land in Japan. Their cramped conditions are due to their insane economic policies which make them have an unexpectedly low average income.

    Immigrants wanting immigrants are the exception that proves the rule.
  10. Sig


    Actually everyone want's what immigrants provide. They want people to pick their fruit, clean their hotel rooms, and a variety of other crappy jobs for minimum wage or lower and sure as hell don't want to do something like that themselves or have their kids look forward to that as a "career". They're all happy to have people who pay into SS and Medicare without ever becoming beneficiaries. They're happy to use products produced by Google and Microsoft and Adobe, and devices with chips made by Global Foundries, to name just a handful of companies led by immigrant CEOs; getting the intellectual top 1% of every third world country is beneficial to everyone even if they're too anti-intellectual be able to grasp that.

    I picked fruit in high school for a summer, with immigrants. Thank god I didn't have to feed myself let alone my family on the proceeds. I'd challenge anyone who says they don't "want" immigrants to come pick fruit for a living with me for one day, just one day. After that we can engage in an intelligent debate over if you "want" immigrants or not. Until then, those who say they don't "want" immigrants are simply speaking from a position of profound ignorance.
    #10     Apr 18, 2018
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