Ever had a supernatural experience?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by hapaboy, May 2, 2004.

  1. Axeman, that's exactly what happened. (With my great-AUNT ;) )

    All the best,

    #51     May 3, 2004
  2. Rowenwood, my friend, that's not a very scientific answer, is it? :)

    All the best,

    #52     May 3, 2004
  3. Many supersitious beliefs arise from a basic misunderstanding of simple statistics.

    Its called "confirmation bias". You typically see shoe and people
    like marketrabbit doing this all the time.



    #53     May 3, 2004
  4. Ok.... now im gonna ask you the same question I asked SHOE.

    People all over the world dream about friends/relatives dying.
    Or something similar... a dead relative comes to them in a dream.

    Simply probability tells us that X% of the time, THEY WILL BE RIGHT. The HAVE to be.

    So now you must provide me with evidence, that THIS case
    lies OUTSIDE of the expected statistical norm, and is therefore
    not mere coincidence.

    Can you do that?

    Clearly.... anytime someone has a dream like this that turns
    out WRONG, instead of right, it is quickly forgotten and not
    reported nearly as often as when they are RIGHT.

    Read the article about confirmation bias I just posted.
    There is nothing strange going on here as far as I can tell,
    just human nature.



    #54     May 3, 2004
  5. "You can call me a car lover because I love it in the motel."
    #55     May 3, 2004
  6. Well, you guys accomplished your goal: it appears you killed the thread. You filled it with pages and pages of irrelevant debate and trash talking. Well done...
    #56     May 3, 2004
  7. I've a penis.
    #57     May 3, 2004
  8. Nordic


    I'll say one thing, your above description "grabbed " me like a good book:D
    #58     May 3, 2004
  9. Hi Axeman,

    Let's think a minute here. The different types of dreams one can dream are basically infinite. But infinite is a pretty big number, so let's say that there are one million different dreams a person might dream any given night. Now, between the age of 10 and 80 there are 25,550 nights. 25,550 nights went by w/o her dreaming that particular dream. And only right after her brother died, did she dream THAT PARTICULAR DREAM, rather than 999,999 other dreams. Oh, and a dream so vivid she wrote a letter about it.

    So, in order for you to be right, you'd have to prove to me that dreams vivid as to make one write a letter do actually happen often. Problem is, I've never heard of another letter like that being written. Have you?

    I'd say statistics are rather on my side.

    All the best,

    #59     May 3, 2004
  10. That's great. Another relevant comment. Thx for adding that to the thread...

    Any other witty comments you'd like to share?
    #60     May 3, 2004