even the mormans support obama.Salt Lake Tribune throws support behind Obama

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Free Thinker, Oct 19, 2012.

  1. Lucrum


    His implying a news paper is a person and their vote will cancel mine? :D

    Why is it most of the retards here - are flaming liberals?
    #11     Oct 20, 2012
  2. stoic


    Because it's true what's been said..."If democrats had any Brains, They'd be Republicans"

    If anyone needed proof of that just read the posts here.

    99.99% of threads started by non-Free thinker are just cut and paste from far left web sites in a futile hope to have some false since of credibility. 2.94 post per day, It's no wonder he thinks he's entitled to share in the effort of others, he has no life. Then we have IQ47 adding in his "Wow" and "Gee-Wiz" and more cut and paste from far left web sites.

    In 1998, U.S embassies in Kenya and Tanzania were bombed by Muslim extremists. 1996, Muslim extremists exploded a truck bomb outside an Air Force housing complex in Saudi Arabia. 1995 five American killed in a car bomb explosion by Muslim extremists. 1993 the World Trade Center bombed by Muslim extremists. 1988 Pan Am flight 103 bombed by Muslim extremist. 1986 Muslim extremists bomb discotheque in Berlin frequented by U.S. servicemen. 1985 Muslim extremists seize cruise ship Achille Lauro and murder 69 year old wheelchair-bound American. 1983 Muslim extremists blew up U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut. 1979 Muslim extremists stormed the U.S. embassy in Iran and take hostages for 444 days. 9/11 attacks by Muslim extremists. So since the Democrats don't want to offend anybody with "racial profiling" we confiscate tweezers and manicure kits from elderly women and act surprised when Muslin extremists try to detonate sneaker bombs.
    I like to fly on the airlines that have engaged in the most egregious discrimination against Muslim men.

    Liberals seem to get more upset when a tree is chopped down than when a child is aborted. They like to promote the idea that if you don't lift every restriction on abortion, every woman in America will be impregnated by her father and die in a back-alley abortion.

    Liberals have been wrong about everything. They were wrong about Stalin, praised in the New York Times. They were wrong about Social Security now heading toward bankruptcy. They were wrong about the civil Rights Act which was never going to be used to discriminate against whites. No surprise that now one of their biggest causes is "Global Warming" conservatives won't be able to prove them wrong for a thousand years.

    Liberals are willing to wreck the whole country to help the Democratic Party serve their long term interest of keeping Americans dependent on the government. Harold Meyerson gushed that California is under Democratic control and stated "the next New Deal is in tryouts." This is what California got from Democratic Policies, a credit rating slashed to junk-bond status, a deficit larger than the budgets of over 40 other states. Democrats govern as they always govern, they buy the votes of government workers with taxpayer-funded jobs, salaries, and benefits.....and then turn around and accuse the productive class of "greed" for wanting tax cuts. Only liberals still associate the words "government employee" with "efficiency" and "competence."

    Liberals will argue that in the Constitution the word "people" protects kiddie porn but says nothing about guns. They smugly announce a "broad consensus" among "respected academics" that the 2nd amendment refers only to the right of state militias- meaning one of their interns called Handgun Control Inc.

    Democrats have discovered a surprise campaign issue, you must now have a cracker-barrel humble-origins and a lesbian in the family. My father was a milkman, my mother was a single mom, my brother almost died. Vote for me!

    Some things only a Democrat would say with a straight face. In Al Gore's lawsuits against the Florida election results he asked the court to declare him the winner on the grounds that there are still thousands of votes to be counted. They say they want SAT scores dropped as a criterion for college admissions preferring purely subjective evaluations of the applicant's "diversity". "You're a racist because you don't believe black people need special riles" "Republicans were fear mongers when they were fighting to reform Fannie and Freddie prior to the financial crisis" "Our sanctions against Iran's nuclear weapon program has done nothing, BUT they're not 4 years closer to having a nuclear weapon"
    #12     Oct 20, 2012

  3. Most of the cut and paste jobs in P&R are from the right,mostly piss poor who floods the forum daily with his anti Obama cut and paste threads
    #13     Oct 20, 2012
  4. huh?
    splain yourself lucy!
    #14     Oct 20, 2012