Even the libs have to be scared of this

Discussion in 'Politics' started by TGregg, Oct 29, 2008.

  1. hughb


    Obama wants a national security force and you guys think you are all going to be carted off to a reeducation camp by jack booted thugs.

    Sorry, I'll have to pass on being "scared", thanks anyway.
    #21     Oct 30, 2008
  2. Gord


    No - it's actually more fascist. Then brown shirts like you are sent out to intimidate people into conforming with it.
    #22     Oct 30, 2008
  3. The next step is somebody prints up a list of gun owners.............and one day a few of these goons show up at your door wanting all your guns.
    #23     Oct 30, 2008
  4. Cesko


    voluntary-implies freedom and spontaneity of choice or action without external compulsion.

    You obviously do not understand what voluntary means.

    And yes that's exactly a commie double-talk.
    #24     Oct 30, 2008
  5. "We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set," he said Wednesday. "We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded."

    "..national security objectives that we've set.." What's that all about? Are we being invaded?

    US military has 3 million active and reserves personnel.

    0bama wants his own personal force equivalent to the US military? Is this the left's final solution?

    3 million zealous 0bamanazis running around. "Your papers are not in order!" "You must spend some time incarcerated until the 3rd term free elections are over!" "Der Fuhrer wants your house, your land, your business....." "You are being relocated."
    #25     Oct 30, 2008
  6. achilles28


    But if it was Bush, you'd be scared.

    See, you Neo-Libs are just as guilty of Mao Worship as the fanatical Right.

    Obama can "do no wrong". So Million Man Youth Brigades to police the Homeland are of little consequence. After all, "we can trust" Obama.

    That’s the same rationale the Right took with Bush. And look at the flagrant police state legislation and bogus Wars that came in under him.

    See, Libs and Repubs are fools to their own Party. They have no allegiance to the Constitution or the bedrock principles that made and kept this Nation Free and Great.

    And what you partisan idiots don't get - the machinations to install a Police State Dictatorship have been patched together by both sides of the aisle!

    Each new Administration and Congress expands Federal Power from the last, until one day, after a "catalyzing event" (as the Project for a New American Century likes to put it), ALL our freedoms and liberties will be taken away with a pen stroke.

    It could be under Obama. Or it may be under the next Republican President. It doesn't matter. The music is going to stop.

    And when it does, Obama will reassure us its for our own "Protection". The Left will drink the Kool-Aid and drop dimes on "Dangerous Right-Wingers" who fanatically cling to "primitive ideologies", when its only our Government and their "Progessive Policies" that can save us!!!

    And if McCain oversees Martial Law, it will be to save us from Terrorists and mass WMD attacks. The Right will drink the Kool-Aid, and then THEY'LL be the ones gladly rounding up you "Communist Liberals" who are "giving aid and comfort to the enemy" by defending the very Freedoms that emboldened the attacks!

    See? Don't you get it yet?

    They've got us at each others throats. When its the GOVERNMENT who is behind this power consolidation and wholesale raping of our FREEDOMS.

    Its Divide and Conquer, you idiots. Wake Up.
    #26     Oct 30, 2008
  7. TGregg


    And that's the point. Because sooner or later we will have another republican in the Whitehouse. He's certainly not going to disband Obama's National Security Force. That should give the left pause, and that's why I picked the title of this thread.

    It doesn't matter who the president is or which party controls congress. A $500,000,000,000.00 a year "civillian national security force" will be used by both major parties and it's trouble for any freedom loving American. Oh sure, candidates will promise to disband the NSF during every election just like they promise energy independence, lower taxes, balanced budgets, etc, etc ad nauseum. But they won't.

    That should concern everybody.
    #27     Oct 30, 2008
  8. Gord


    I wonder if there will be rewards for turning in your neighbor...
    #28     Oct 30, 2008
  9. fhl


    New Olbermann segment:

    World's worst neighbor of the week that needs to be turned in to the Obama administration.
    #29     Oct 30, 2008
  10. achilles28



    But that knife cuts both ways.

    The unchecked power vested in Patriot Acts 1 & 2, the Domestic Spy Program, John Warner Defense Authorization Act and Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terror Act now get turned over to Obama.

    And now, they're going to use it against you - the Traditional Right.

    So how much forethought did the NeoCons have when they happily ceded massive and totally Unconstitutional Powers to the Executive, when it was inevitable, the "Demonic Left" would eventually inherit those powers and turn it against its authors - the Right Wing??

    This is the Game. The Game is a Joke. And its been going on for a very long time.

    The two-party tent has redefined Politics into a cultural meme of Tribal Warfare,

    Its no longer about principles or the Constitution. Politics for mass consumption is now about Winning and empowering the Winner with more Power; as if to somehow "rub in" the victors dominance over the "loser". It really is that juvenile and base. That "we-showed-you" mentality.

    As far as the actual Politico's who staff and lead their Party. They know its a scam and perpetuate it for their own benefit.

    Their Game is not so much about winning. Its about FEDERAL POWER. . And THE EXPANSION OF FEDERAL POWER, regardless of whose in Office.

    Because they know eventually, they'll get their Kick at the Can. And all those years spent voting and shilling to empower the "Other Team", was actually a VOTE FOR THEMSELVES WHEN IT COMES TIME FOR THEIR RULE

    And with each iteration and successive Administration, their Power is many times GREATER than it was when their Party last held Office. See? Its Win-Win.

    This Game will end soon, and it will end badly.

    With each erosion of our Rights in the Name of "Protection" or "Kill Terrorists"- whether under Democrats or Republicans - our Constitution and National Identity has suffered nearly irrevocable damage.

    The next OKC, the next Sept 11th, the next Gulf of Tonkin.

    All the Legislative Safeguards have been removed. And the ensuing power void has been Ceded to the Executive.

    We're going to see Martial Law in America, soon. I'd be surprised if it didn't happen in the next 2 years.

    And Obama will be coming for our Guns.
    #30     Oct 30, 2008