European futures

Discussion in 'Trading' started by osho67, Jun 30, 2014.

  1. I would like to trade -as a beginner - some European futures. I like Z (ftse100) but now there is no level 1 subscription. Level 2 costs about 90USD. Are there any other European futures which have good volume ? Dax is good but it is 25 euros per point which is a bit high for me.

    Any helpful suggestions much welcome. Thanks
  2. tom_czr


    Ufff, you have 1,003 posts and beginner? Maybe you should stop posting and rather try to make some money so you can afford market data subscriptions :)
  3. Euro stoxx 50 futs on Eurex... I'd say that's the only other possibility in Europe.
  4. Thanks
  5. CALLumbus


    FESX, FGBL, FGBM, FGBS, all on Eurex.