Europe Is Done

Discussion in 'Politics' started by wildchild, Sep 1, 2015.

  1. wildchild


    Germany alone is planning on taking in 800,000 refugees from the Middle East. That is roughly 1 percent of their population in a single year. Each country is supposed to be accepting an equal amount by population. With the amount of muslims already there, plus waves in future years, there are going to be a whole lot of these people.

    Let me look into my crystal ball. These people will not assimilate into European culture and will make international news very interesting for the next few decades and beyond.

    On second thought, they will likely end up being very tolerant people and will not expect their host countries to make special accommodations for them.....NOT

    You are also going to see a big rise in far-left nationalist groups. The same assholes who brought you WWII.

    You heard it here first.
  2. gwb-trading


    On the other hand, the declining birth rate in Europe makes it clear that they will need significant immigration in order to keep their economies and social welfare programs going.

    You can make a case that they are choosing the wrong set of immigrants (since they group they are importing do not assimilate well), but there is a clear need for increased immigration in most countries in Europe.
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2015
  3. loyek590


    you can outsource a good iphone maker, but you just can't outsource a good janitor or bar maid.
  4. Ricter


    In REACTION to all the immigration?
    loyek590 likes this.
  5. loyek590


    I don't know, I just don't like people that don't look like me. You can never trust them and when they get off on their own they start speaking their jibberish. But I know I sure as hell don't want any of my daughters cleaning toilets for a living. And SOMEBODY has to do it. And you can hire these guys for peanuts. Most of them will work under the table with no benefits.
  6. fan27


    The issue with the social welfare programs is they discourage child rearing. Why have kids when the state will take care of you in your old age? The social democracies of Europe are trying to reverse this with generous benefits for having kids, but it is not having a great effect on the native population. On the other hand, Muslim immigrants tend to have big families for cultural and religious reasons. What does this mean for Europe 100 years from now? Instead of French pastries and Espresso in Paris tourists will be enjoying tea while watching public executions.

  7. loyek590


    what country are you from? Welfare certainly discourages child rearing, but it generously rewards child bearing. I saw a whole generation of my no count irresponsible drug addicted muscician so called friend's wives go into the full time business of having children. Many of them, most by many different men all to get that increased welfare check. Next to being a single man playing in a bar without a care in the world other than where to get the next fix, it was the best job they could get.

    No my friend, welfare has been the most destructive social policy known to man. You get rewarded for doing things wrong, and in some cases rewarded more than if you tried to do it the right way.
  8. fhl


    Syria is where the largest percentage of them are from. Arab spring. Remember that term? Revolt against the Arab leaders. Syria, Libya, Arab spring, etc are Obama/Clinton middle east policy initiatives that have turned into giant failures. And that's why we hear little about them in our media. They are giant problems, giant policy failures, and since they happened on Obama and Clinton's watch and as a result of their policies, all we will get is a stony silence as to how this all came about. Just imagine if there were four or five million refugees pouring out of these countries and Bush was the president.

    Huge amounts of black mob violence here in the US and millions of refugees fleeing bad policy decisions in the middle east. Treated the same way. Silence. Hide them. Pretend they don't exist.
  9. loyek590


    and just what were the Clinton and Obama policies that made everything so bad?
  10. loyek590


    people don't know shit. they just watch tv and drive around and listen to talk radio. That's all they know. That's all I know about Iran or Russia. All I know is what I see on tv. And it makes me so outraged...I go on the internet and bitch about it like I am an expert.
    #10     Sep 1, 2015