Euronext outtage

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by JamesJ, Oct 19, 2020.

  1. JamesJ


  2. BMK


    The correct spelling is outage.

    Outtage is pronounced ooh-TAJ, and it refers to a French delicacy made from turkey stomachs.
    apdxyk and JamesJ like this.
  3. maxinger


    That is interesting.
    outtage, outage, outrage have quite similar spelling.
  4. Overnight


    Like bear, bare and beer! WTF lol!
  5. JamesJ


    Here we go:

    Trade Bust Notification

    Dear Client,

    Executions after 17:30 CET on Trade Date 10/19 at the following exchanges SBF, ENEXT.BE, AEB will be canceled as per exchange decision.

    Trades are in the process of being removed from your account. Please manage your risk accordingly.


    Interactive Brokers Client Services
    apdxyk likes this.