Euro$ vs. 10-year Contract LIstings

Discussion in 'Financial Futures' started by landboy, Sep 23, 2005.

  1. landboy


    Why is it that the Eurodollar futures contracts extend waaaay out into the future, I think I can buy 2015 eurodollar contracts. But I can only buy 2006 10-years? Both contracts are based on future expectation of interest rates.

    Here's my problem, I'm forecasting long-rates will be over 10% by 2009, do I just buy current-month ZN and just keep rolling it over?

  2. landboy


    one more try
  3. Pabst


    Wouldn't you want to be short?
  4. landboy


    Ya, sorry, I"d be short bonds
  5. Pabst


    Your best options are to short ZB or ZN and roll them.
  6. landboy


    Cool thanks, do you think I'd be paying too much of a premium for them if I had to always roll to a new contract, I also looked at CBOE options and the late-2006 has waaay too much risk-premium priced in.
  7. Pabst


    Unfortunately if the curve steepens you'll be forced to short ZN at substantial discounts to cash. You're on the other side of the carry trade.
  8. landboy


    that's what I thought, I guess I was hoping to get around that by shorting the back-months, but I guess they don't exist...

    thanks for that
  9. sle


    I'd sell you a 4y10y payer swaption (a right to enter into a pay fixed swap) at a reasonable cost. Or would you rather have an american touch at 10% in 10s?

    On a more serious note - if you do have such a long term view on the interest rates, why not look into buying/selling one of the Lehman's yield curve ETFs - they would do the rolling for you. You can even take a position on BEI using their TIPS ETF.