Euro$ Seasonals

Discussion in 'Financial Futures' started by -ooO-(GoldTrade, May 17, 2003.

  1. Euro$ are about to enter a Seasonal Window.

    This chart will change in 18 hours.
  2. I'm not sure if you've noticed, but there doesn't appear to be too much interest in your sea$onals. Still, don't be discouraged; there is, afterall, a significant risk of gain trading them, so people may yet catch on.
  3. OK let me get this right. The coming EuroDollar spread is already showing signs of strength. No trend line broken, Stochastics moving up.

    Don’t you see this as a positive indication that when it gets in its seasonal window the trend is more likely to continue?
  4. WSC! has one of those now Long September 30-yr T-Bonds/Short September 5-yr T-Notes. It appears even your statistical spreads pick up repetive
    seasonal patterns.
  5. Bullish divergence in Stochastics forecast a big jump in Euro's.

    This chart will change in 18 hours.