Euro Free Fall without Parachute to 1.10???

Discussion in 'Forex' started by torosyososfx, Nov 6, 2005.

  1. This wave stuff, and the poster, are always good for a morning laugh.
    #11     Nov 11, 2005
  2. Deptrai


    Torosyososfx, you really need to be careful how you use terminology. Let's define free fall. Anyone who has traded forex knows that the market moves in a series of waves most of the time. It goes up and down and vice versa. It is when the market does not move in this wave-like pattern, but rather in a straight line that this called free fall. So for the the EURUSD to free fall to 1.10, then all the support levels on the way to 1.10 would be nonexistent because in a free fall hardly anyone would show up to buy the currency. In my 10 years, I have rarely seen free fall. So be careful how you use terminology in the future. It is the difference between a veteran forex trader and a less experienced forex trader.


    #12     Nov 11, 2005