Euro Distressed Debt- Miami- free passes

Discussion in 'Hook Up' started by marketsurfer, Mar 2, 2017.

  1. I will be speaking at the euro distressed debt conference on March 8-9 on South Beach. Have several passes I will be happy to give to my friends on elite if interested. Let me know.

  2. Mtrader


    Strategically you make an error. You should give these passes to your enemies and challenge them the make a review of your speech. Maybe you can make them change their opinion on you based on the fact that you are much better then they claim you to be.

    But there is one problem: if your speech would not proof your high qualifications you will have immediately proof of the opposite...

    While I am thinking...Maybe that's why you give these passes to your friends. As doing the opposite might be the real error.

    Life must be difficult for famous people...
  3. Banjo


  4. Any one here attending? expecting investors from all over the euro zone
  5. Buy1Sell2

