Euro a Bullish Year is Coming???

Discussion in 'Forex' started by givemesomemoney, Dec 25, 2005.

  1. The UK already has an inverted/humped yield curve.. the curve in NZ has been inverted for almost a year.. Australia curve looks pretty bad too... the curve on EU doesnt look to great either.. again... you are making a good case to weakening stock market and asset prices.. weaker economic growth.. but not necesesarily a plunging US dollar.

    One fact is that next year the US is estimated to have the highest real gdp growth out of all g-8 countries.. thats not hallmark of a plunging currency...
    #11     Dec 26, 2005
  2. MrProfit


    #12     Dec 26, 2005
  3. I lean more towards a harder landing than a soft one, and am inclined to follow Mr. Profit's line of thinking in the end - regardless of his doom and gloom sayings of the past. However I would strongly urge you to follow through and note what happens to Europe, Canada and most of Asia - particularly China - if this doom scenario comes true here at home.
    #13     Dec 26, 2005
  4. I am going to short the USD ...
    #14     Dec 26, 2005