Eurex Intraday Volatility Forecast

Discussion in 'Trading Software' started by ssp729, Jul 26, 2019.

  1. ssp729


  2. ZBZB


    Looks like the Don Fishback Odds volatility cone in metastock.
  3. ssp729


    How it´s similar? I am thinking of buying... Do you use Don Fishback Odds volatility cone in metastock?
  4. tommcginnis


    Many different versions of the same thing.
    The "Value-Added" here is of two parts:
    1) they're going to plot the 'when' of forecasted market-moving events right on the chart, and
    2) they're going to add their estimate of events' vol impact.

    Technically, "no great shakes," but the value-added part? Right from Yeah -- could be worth it, easily. (First-blush impression....) But a non-exhaustive search did not reveal any pricing. o_O
  5. ZBZB


    I have used it, sold options outside the cone when set to two standard deviations. They are calculating historic volatility and then projecting a two standard deviation or whatever projection into the future.
  6. ssp729


    Yes, no info about price
  7. ssp729


    Is it worth? If a black swam event happens, still worth?
  8. ZBZB


    it is not infallible but it is a 94.3% chance and you can buy a one tick option as hedge e.g credit spread
  9. ssp729


    Interesting... I will see then... In terms of rentability per year, how much do you do?
  10. ZBZB


    What do you mean?
    #10     Jul 26, 2019