EUR / USD in 31th december 2007

Discussion in 'Forex' started by Candara, Jul 7, 2007.

  1. Candara

    Candara Guest

    Where will be EUR / USD in 31th december 2007?
  2. 1.45 on the way...
    • eur.gif
      File size:
      14.1 KB
  3. Very easily 1.45, possibly even 1.50
  4. This thread is "just a guess post"

    My guess is somewhere between 1.38-1.40
  5. The president of Iraq, wants the Iraqi Dinar to equal the USD, with the Dollar collapsing I started to think that the other way around is more possible…
  6. Wallet


    1.33 /3400

    Once this 1.3800 to possible 1.4000 wave ends the sell off will start.
  7. 1.37
  8. murfy_kl


    Between 1.4 and 1.45
    I hope someone will remind us about this thread in December :)
  9. Position trader winners play against the USD.